Fault in VW "new" gearbox

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thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 12:46am
There are no "new" semi auto 5 speed gearbox's.
The newer cars use 6/7 speed DSG gearbox's which would not "flare" in the same way as an auto. because they are not an auto.

So. are we talking about the 5 speed auto box's of 10 years ago or what!

carstauranga001, Feb 6, 12:50am
The guys at Automatic Transmissions Tga have warned me that these are a problem box which they have already repaired a large number of. And whats more the local dealer tries to avoid warranty claims sugesting they are operating "normally". I havn't raised this berfore on here as I know the jazz piano man will vigorously defend the product and go into great long descriptions and copy and paste all the defence in the world. But we know the truth don't we kaz. Sorry kaz but don't know the details of what goes wrong but IMO leave well alone unless it goes bad.

scotts12, Feb 6, 12:52am
Known in the franchise dealerships they have a problem.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 12:53am
Riiiiiighhhht, so the non existent mystery box is "evil".

How about some facts. like which gearbox you are even talking about! Before we begin.

carstauranga001, Feb 6, 12:55am
2005 on Golf is the one I'm referring to. Although seeing as you ask I had a 2004 Passat V5 with issues too. Quite off putting really.

carstauranga001, Feb 6, 12:58am
Are you googling an answer Jazz!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 12:59am
Super. well thats a help. So you are talking about the very first DSG's with the 6 speed.
The older Passat unit bears absolutely zero relation and some have had problems, but the numbers are no worse than Honda etc as far as I am aware.

The DSG, is generally very reliable and is designed for ease of service of many part. (Chuck it on a hoist and remove a cover plate style)

There have been some minor issues with a temp sensor and a bit ofa recall with the very new ones but that won't be what we are talking about.

How about we see what VAG central has to say on this one. then you can get an actually knowledgeable qualified answer.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:01am
Is Kaz talking about the same gearbox as well!

craig04, Feb 6, 1:05am
Why would you be waiting for an opinion from a gynaecologist!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:11am

1. A gynaecologist would have a greater idea than this lot of which gearbox we are actually talking about.

2. A gynaecologist is used to dealing with sexy bits of machinery.

3. A gynaecologist is likely just as qualified to discuss a DSG gearbox as a hick town auto gearbox grease monkey. The DSG bears about as much resemblance to what a Gyno deals with as what an auto transmission specialist deals with.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:12am
Besides. a Gyno knows how to handle a bunch of gossiping pussy's.

craig04, Feb 6, 1:13am
So, a DSG box has a little man in a boat!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:14am
Hey. they don't call it a box for nothing.

craig04, Feb 6, 1:15am
Do you open up a DSG with a speculum!

doriandarby, Feb 6, 1:17am
nah, its more like a hairy axe wound

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:17am
Your supposed to. but they are always on backorder. the Toyota 4 speed mechanics always need them in a hurry to fix their "gerbil incidents"

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:20am
I think you are getting confused with Renault and Citroen box's.

craig04, Feb 6, 1:22am

craig04, Feb 6, 1:23am
I apologise for hijacking this thread.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:26am
I don't its been funny!
Anyhow. will leave you all to consider your retaliation, time to do the dishes. Thanks for the laughs Craig.

carstauranga001, Feb 6, 1:29am
I have never seen inside a Corolla box. I can't remember ever having a faulty one. VW is another story. Say what you like jazz but the auto trans guys are making money out of the VW range.

1nvestor, Feb 6, 1:32am
can u give us a detailed dramatic 4 paragraph desciption on how to do dishes properly please.

rovercitroen, Feb 6, 1:33am
You guys are RUDE! But I like it.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 1:38am
Sorry not in just 4 paragraphs!

craig04, Feb 6, 1:45am
Change into an old short sleeve t-shirt and/or an apron if desired. When working with water you are bound to get wet so prepare yourself ahead of time.

Pull on your long yellow rubber gloves that you previously purchased. Hands can get dry and rough from spending too much time in the water so gloves will protect your delicate skin. Finger nails can grow soft in the hard water so protect them by wearing your gloves.

Clean all the dirty dishes out of the sink one by one. Scrape any chunks into the garbage can so they won't clog the drain. Stack the dishes neatly next to the sink. Repeat with second sink.

Clean both sinks with hot soapy water using your scratch pad. Starting with a clean sink adds to the feeling of freshness and cleanliness making dish washing more pleasant.

Fill the first sink with the hottest water you can stand and add Dawn Dish Washing soap according to how hard your water is. If you have hard water you need more soap, the softer the water the less soap needed. Vigorously mix the water to make nice big suds.

Fill the second sink with Hot Hot Hot water - this helps to kill germs and gets the soap off.

Now throw all the silverware into the bottom of the soapy water so it will soak while you wash all the dishes. Starting with the plates wash each one and stack them up against the wall being careful to stack closely so that all the dishes will fit but not too closely so they will dry.

Next wash all the bowls and stack them up against the plates following with the cups and glasses washing each one thoroughly using whatever tools you need to do the job right. Remember to stack the cups and glasses upside down so they will drain.

Now wash all the silverware one by one making sure to get all the junks out from in between the fork tines. Place them in a big glass to drain.

The pots and pans are last because obviously they will be the greasiest. Wash them, rinse them, and dry them right away. Put away the pots and pans immediately so they won't be in the way.

Now that the dishes are done you are NOT DONE YET. Now you have to wipe all the counters, the table and stove. Move anything that is in the way and wipe underneath it. Then drain the sinks and clean them while they are draining. Take the wash rag to the laundry and remove your personal protective ware and VOILA! You are done!