If you have 100 demerit points question

crystalhaze, Feb 8, 8:03pm
If you have 100 or more demerit points do you have to have your licence supsended before they are wiped! A friend of mine was saying that if you have 100 or more that the demerit points dont expire or get cleared of your record to you have been suspended. Just wondering if thats true. I have 100 demerit points dating back to 2004 which totals 100 so would i be suspended if im ever pulled up. Havent been pulled up since 2004. Anyone know!

smac, Feb 8, 8:10pm
Yes once you hit 100 they will 'stick' and not drop off after time.

Police will normally only serve if NZTA have tried to and failed (ie old address, not home when they called etc).

therafter1, Feb 8, 8:11pm

toycon, Feb 8, 9:07pm
I feel so left out, I've never had a demerit point. Boohoohoo

lookoutas, Feb 8, 10:49pm
It depends on whether the first points had already dropped off and Op didn't realise. Otherwise they would come looking for ya.

When I was driving for a living, I finished up building a spreadsheet to keep track of mine, and when they fell off. Coz I needed to know.
Had one ping for 121 (35 points) and three more for 111, 112 & 114 slow (20 each) so that made 95 total. Spent about 6 months really being a good boy, and brought a radar detector.
Not driving all day now, and they're all gone.

johnf_456, Feb 8, 10:56pm
lol, on my way to work every day this week they have been nabbing red light runners.

m16d, Feb 8, 11:48pm
Is that because the cops cant catch you.!

ema1, Feb 9, 3:37am
You saying more like incredibly stupid driving they notice or perhaps I reckon the cops are spread too thin on the ground to catch lots of episodes of poor driving, the later is more likely!

suplyuparts, Feb 9, 4:19am
some guy will come knockin on your door ask for your license if your over your points.an get it back in 3months.each offence stays for 2yrs.then drops off after 2yrs.

chris_051, Feb 9, 4:27am
Points only get added when they are paid, but come off 2 years after the infringement was issued, so delay paying them as long as possible, writing in gets you another month or so, this worked out for me by about 2 weeks as 35 points came off before the 20 were added, ended up with 95 after that. Shat myself and have never had a ticket since.

johnf_456, Feb 9, 1:12pm
They were doing at this morning man probably had half a dozen cops targeting it. So far this week I have seen lots of random things been targeted going to work.

elect70, Feb 9, 5:05pm
I gotto 100 points but they never served the papers on me I was always out.soserverleft notice to contact himwhich I never did& just kept driving . Yet12 months later got stopped speeding & cop says no points on the board so they must automatically get wipedregardless .

smac, Feb 9, 5:11pm
He messed up.

lookoutas, Feb 9, 11:01pm
That's the exact way to do it.

smac, Apr 1, 8:03pm
Must have been a long time ago.sure doesn't work like that now. Points appear on your record when you pay the fine, or there is a summary conviction. The total is based on offence date, so even if you delay paying, if you earn 100 in a two year period, the suspension notice is issued. However as above, you are entitled to keep driving until actually served.