What are these vehicles like your opinions are much appreciate Thank you.
Dec 26, 3:03am
well go and see if you can get parts for it! you probably will find there are non sold just newcars by ssangyoung dealers.
Dec 26, 3:16am
It would depend on the parts as the Musso I would expect could still be running the old Mercedes drivetrain.
That said, the company has had a turbulent (to say the least) time of the last 7 years. How this has affected the product by way of quality and build and how parts will be now and in the future nobody knows.
At last call the Indians had bought it up after the Chinese bought a stake a few years back and used it as a means to steal their intellectual property. But that's only part of it, the company has been the village bike in terms of brief ownership of the last decade.
Dec 26, 12:40pm
dont pay to much
Dec 26, 1:30pm
Our company has 5 of them, they go very well, but some part,s are very hard to get, i.e. clutch part,s 3 months, accelorator cable, ended up getting one made, brake pad,s, next day.
Dec 26, 2:59pm
They're not a good choice, the few people that have bought them have only done so because of being sucked in by cheap price tags without giving any forethought as to how they are going to keep them on the road. The engines and drivetrains aren't bad but the rest of the vehicle is not so satisfactory.Ssangyong still have no idea even after making these damn things since 1995 about what constitutes good aftersales service and parts backup, scenarios like #6 described aren't uncommon, which is serious given that pretty much nobody else stocks parts for them, even stuff like brake pads, they are surprisingly expensive too.The good news is that some engine parts are no doubt available from either local or overseas MB specialists, likewise the auto trans in the later ones is believe it or not the same 4 speed auto BTR unit used in Ford Falcons.There are better choices out there overall.
Dec 26, 6:44pm
Thank you very mucheveryone for your advise/opinions.franc123 .you mentioned that there are better choices out there.can you name one or two or maybe more.thanks.
Dec 26, 7:06pm
LOL where do you want me to start!Twin cab diesel Hilux, Navara, Courier, Rodeo, Triton, Bounty.
Dec 26, 9:24pm
OP, a mate has one for his water-proofing business.
Edited to add:It is a 2WD unit.
Bought at about 150K, he had to replace the crownwheel carrier fairly quickly, and was told that it is a failing,$2400.00 later, it is now going like a train.
He is also having to replace a rear wheel-bearing,as the seal has failed, and they are a one-piece unit.
Apart from these, he is extremely pleased with it, bearing in mind, it is constantly on the road, and apart from these, has had absolutely NO problems.
Good luck, bear in mind, ALL vehicles have their failings, you buy what appeals to YOU, you are the one who has to live with it.
Dec 26, 11:09pm
if you cant say it you dont buy it!
Dec 27, 6:59am
RE: franc123.I am interested in a 4wd,twincab, manual.diesel/petrol year 2004-2007.have been looking at Triton,Bounty,Rodeo ,Courier & Navara.Toyota is out of my range.Thanks.
Jul 13, 9:45am
they all to dear, and high miles most of the utes for sale
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