Reversing camera. Has anyone got one of these and is it any good how long does the screen take to power up tm listing 353837113

thewomble1, Feb 12, 10:24pm
Has anyone got one of these and is it any good. How long does the screen take to power up.
tm listing #353837113

ceedoubleyou, Feb 13, 12:28am
I have the camera, connected to a 7" screen, paid around $300 all up from memory, 6 mths ago. The camera has a wireless sender to the screen. Probably pick 'em up cheaper now, mine had the GPS maps with it. All works ok, bit of a novelty when you first get it, but rely on it less and less now.

petal05, Apr 17, 11:58am
I have one on my Caldina, goes on as soon as you put it in reverse. works great.
Ladys love them, LOL