Does one drop or left a nissan engine out of a car
Dec 28, 4:03pm
having problems both ways.
Dec 28, 4:13pm
can mostly do it either way, what is it!
Dec 28, 4:14pm
Wtf are you trying to ask!
Dec 28, 4:14pm
Try dropping it out with the gearbox still attached.
Dec 28, 4:18pm
I would have thought you would lift it not left it
Dec 28, 4:19pm
took me a while its (drop or lift). well depends on what nissan car digger truck van make model year!
Dec 28, 4:43pm
I am trying to communicate not win a spelling contest.
Dec 28, 4:45pm
nissan cifero 1997 hope is all spelled correctly. Sorry for the misspelling . Yes it is lift not left.
Dec 28, 5:07pm
Me too mate, couldn't understand why you "left" an engine or drop it instead. LOL. I certainly can't hold one for long so I guess I'd drop it.
Dec 28, 5:09pm
Spelled = spelt.
Dec 28, 5:11pm
It doesn't matter, we can't let our standards down.
Dec 28, 5:35pm
What I thought too. apparently the mudguard gets in the way pulling it out to the left. but I hear a gas-axe can help with that.
Dec 28, 6:37pm
OP I'd say LIFT. BUT it is a tight fit and im pretty sure you need to remove a bunch of other stuff first. I'm sorry I can't remember the specifics
Dec 28, 10:22pm
Jack up the rear of the car as high as u can get it then give it another go
Dec 28, 10:37pm
RWD come out the top. FWD come out the bottom.
Dec 29, 2:33am
Remove gearbox or trans first,then its easy.
Dec 29, 2:55am
1997 Cefiro is a front wheel drive v6, if they are anything like camry's then there's almost no spare room, I learnt the hard way to drop the engine and transaxle out together and then do what I had to do.
Dec 29, 12:41pm
front wheel drive it is easier to drop the whole nine yards including the struts and front hubs onto the floor with a trolley jack under it.
then use the engine crane to lift the much lighter car chassi up and roll the drive train out on the jack.
as for rear wheel drive nissan (esp RB) remove the radiator, viscous fan aswell as the associated eqipment, then as you lift it out let the gearbox end drop down so the engine starts lifting vertical.
It is a pain to undo/do up the top two gearbox/bell housing bolts in the engine bay.
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