Can the passenger in a car lose his license and get fined for $600.00 for his mate speeding! TIA
Dec 28, 7:37pm
na.wot u been smoking
Dec 28, 7:38pm
Theres a new one.
Dec 28, 7:48pm
If his mate is a learner and the passenger is the "teacher" then it can happen.
Dec 28, 7:53pm
I don't believe it either but thought I'd check it out, dd boyfriend say's it is so as it happened to him last night.Strange thing is dd doesn't know who the mate was (she wasn't in the car)He is on a restricted license, dont know if the driver was on a learners or not!
Dec 28, 8:01pm
Interesting situation that one. And fair enough in that case then I guess.
Dec 28, 8:11pm
A *passenger* does not require a licence to be a passenger, so I think there would be a rather hard case to push for loss of licence.
A *supervising driver* does however need a licence.
Dec 28, 8:22pm
There's no $600 infringement fee for speeding. There's only $510 and $630 in that region.
Secondly, there's no provision to issue to a supervisor (the person 'in charge') an infringement offence notice for speeding as the legislation does not specifically allow for this (unlike the offence of causing death or injury for which a person 'in charge' can be prosecuted). Interestingly this is the same for alcohol limits - driver only responsibility.
You've been fed a load of hogwash by your boyfriend who was speeding by more than 40km/h over the speed limit (or 50km/h over a temporarylimit) and got snapped.
Dec 28, 8:23pm
Or he's said something stupid to the cops.
Dec 28, 8:30pm
Not my boyfriend as I'm single.My teenage daughters boyfriend, he's a dick and I wish my daughter would realise it!Just wish I knew which one was telling the lies!
Dec 28, 8:31pm
He was clocked at 145km!I'm presuming in a 100km zone!
Dec 28, 8:34pm
Same difference. I knew there was a woman being told pork pies somewhere in there!
Dec 28, 8:36pm
Must have been. Otherwise he wouldn't have been only issued an infringement offence notice and earned a roadside 28-day licence suspension - he'd have a court appointment and the 28-day walk then quite possibly 6 months more walking at the conclusion of that.
Dec 28, 8:39pm
I take back the 50km/h bit - he wouldn't have got an ION for that - he'd be off to court with a 28-day roadside licence suspension.
Dec 28, 11:47pm
I hate being lied too :(Bloody kids!
Dec 29, 5:14am
Well I put my foot down, told dd's boyfriend to pack his bags as I've had enough of being used, lied to etc so now he's packed up but taken my dd with him :(
Jul 21, 6:51am
Hey Reet you cant hide from me here !
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