Exhaust Noise

dent, Feb 18, 2:30am
Can some one please tell me whats the testing procedure for testing exhaust noise on a vehicle during a wof test. And also if you can point it out in the virm where it states testing procedures and distances from vehicle.

sred69, Feb 18, 2:37am

carmedic, Feb 18, 3:26am
The majority of AVI??

alltorque350, Feb 18, 1:04pm
A wof inspector can fail an exhaust if it is louder than factory. It would then be up to the owner to get it certified. So basically its at the inspectors discretion. As a AVI I pass most 'enhanced' exhaust but there have been a few that just hurt my brain and were told to quieten them down a bit.

rkauto, Feb 18, 3:31pm
We use a noise meter on cars we suspect are to noisy.From expeience if you suspect it might be over the limit ,it will be,as 93 decibels (have to be 2 under requirements) is not loud.

ladatrouble, Feb 18, 7:24pm
I use a meter in the conditions outlined in the VIRM.But my line of thinking is,if it's a system with the only intention of making noise,then I err on the side of fail.If it's a well designed system with the intention of enhancing power,I will err on the side off pass.assuming of course that they do actually pass or fail.

monaro_xxx, May 3, 6:08pm
this is what F@#$ me off,they put the noise meter at the end of the exhaust pipe.who many people run around with their ears next to an exhaust pipe while a car is running!
I think a "fairer" way to measure would be
1 metre back,1 metre up,1 metre to the side from the end of exhaust tip.
Ambient noise is a big factor too,if its inside or outside.
(cicadas can be NOISIER than recommended decibel levels!)