Caravan ewof etc, can anyone help !

fastduck, Feb 20, 1:18pm
Im trying to find some information about caravans and regulations like how often it needs to go for an ewof. what other regulations govern the use of a caravan being hired out to a member of the public and what certification etcs it needs before this is done, also who do I contact if someone is hiring out unsafe caravans ! thanks

kwaka5, Feb 20, 1:43pm
You need a EWOF every 4 years and must be carried out by a registered electrical inspector. Not entirely sure about the rest but pretty sure it just requires to be legal for the road if it is going on the road to be hired out. And what are you on about with unsafe caravans. What is the unsafe part.

kiwis0, Feb 20, 1:44pm
Does it leak!

fastduck, Feb 20, 2:08pm
hired a caravan out its ewof expired 1999, relative got a shock off it last nite.

kwaka5, Feb 20, 3:03pm
then you are at fault if you hired for cash gain.
get it tested and certed.

bitsy_boffin, Feb 20, 3:50pm
I read it as fastduck hired the caravan from somebody, not to somebody.

fastduck, Feb 20, 4:16pm
yes thats rite we hired it froma caravan rental co, we didnt hire it out

petermcg, Feb 20, 4:30pm
The electrical WOF is not essential, you are not required to have one.You will how ever need one if you want to stay in a Camp.

kwaka5, Feb 20, 4:54pm
It is essential if it is hired. Must be fit for use and certified to say so. Sorry fastduck didn't read your post properly.

russ18, Feb 20, 7:04pm
Reg 77 states you are not permitted to hire out or just offer for hire if the ewof isn't current.

petermcg, Feb 20, 11:31pm
Yes I must admit that I have stayed in camps with no EWOF my self,, did you know that you cant get one for any 110 volt appliances any way.

gedo1, Feb 21, 2:21am
Here ya go. hope this helps.
"For your safety the New Zealand Electricity Regulations require that the electrical installations, ???connectable installations???, in motorhomes and caravans are manufactured and used so that they operate safely.
Motorhomes and caravans are considered to comply with these requirements when they comply with the joint New Zealand and Australian standard for electrical installations in these types of vehicles. To ensure your ongoing safety a motorhome or caravan must have a valid Warrant of Electrical Fitness (WoEF) before it is connected to an electrical supply. These WoEFs must be issued by a licensed Electrical Inspector who has inspected and tested the caravan or motorhome for its electrical safety"

petermcg, Feb 21, 2:34am
Thanks Bro, I better get one then, I wonder who police's that.

fastduck, May 12, 9:17pm
thanks for the advice and information guys.