Saw one of these today while sitting at the traffic lights, thinking thats one nice looking car, then it floored it from the lights.the on wheels.what else can you say
Feb 25, 12:26am
Feb 25, 12:27am
but to be fair , they are selling the base 458 in NZ for even more than the Scuderia 430 went for
total rip off . & because people are human , they will pay it
Feb 25, 12:27am
I like V8's but prefer 12 cylinders. Buttt 16 cylinders is totally orgasmic
Feb 25, 12:35am
dont care how much, or wether its the "base model", it was just obser ving how nice it looked and sounded even better.
Feb 25, 12:40am
there might be $ 10,000 worth of material in the car
add on another $ 20,000 for the labour , $10,000 for the shipping from italy - & you walk away from selling you one with a sweet $ 570,000 profit
Feb 25, 12:47am
You all appear to be missing the point IM NOT BUYING ONE, just saying wow what a nice car, if you have half a mil to throw on a car I say more fool you, I also like the new SLS AMG, but dont wanna buy one.
Feb 25, 12:53am
im not big on fanboy praise
& making a nice sound isnt hard. any schoolboy in NZ can make decent exhausts - they are easy
i will agree they look stunning in-the-metal
Feb 25, 1:00am
You reckon! By the time the one car that makes its way this far south gets here i doubt it'll be sold at retail price.
Feb 25, 1:19am
$ 350K is what the conversion works out to be
so add another hundred grand perhaps for the NZ-gets-shafted factor !
thats still 150K less than what continental cars is asking
Feb 25, 1:50am
Yeah, for an Italia that you can have right now, rather than a Mclaren that you'll have to wait two years for.
By the time it gets here I'm guessing it'll cost an easy 650.
Feb 25, 2:06am
perhaps you should change your name to right2 then, as you seem to think yours is the only opinion that merely expressing praise on a nice piece of machinery, no need to cut me down because some muppet sets a ridiculous price for it.
Feb 26, 4:54am
guess well have to see , doubt it will take untill 2013 to see a MP4 driving on our roads , production of it isnt going to be like the F1
Feb 26, 5:34am
There is no base model 458, there are only 'extras' i.e factory optioned things, base model would assume it is a budget spec. As for the sound, no matter what you do to your average 4 cyl/6 cyl/8 cyl on the road you can't achieve something as spine tingling as high end Italian power. Especially the Maserati V12, awe inspiring sound.
Feb 26, 6:58am
I'd prefer a used V12 575M or AM Vanquish myself. But of course a $1500 R32 Skyline with 30 grand spent on it will run better times.
Feb 26, 7:00am
Interest rates changed over night. It just went up another 10 grand.
Add brokerage fees, shipping, GST, insurance and all the bullshit LTSA stuff and it gets expensive pretty quick.
Remember also this price isn't firm. The car isn't even for sale in its domestic markets outside of pre-order yet.
Feb 26, 7:11am
Also, if a Ferrari Italia, which should cost 385,000 + import, tax and LTSA fees costs 611k, why is an even more exotic and rarer car going to cost less!
Feb 26, 7:59am
I beg to differ. All the hotted up Jap imports I've heard sound like crap. My personal preferrence is for the sound of the Maserati Quattroporte (also a V8), but the Ferrari 599XX have to be the best of all surely.!v=PHjeW37Nrpk
PS, the Porsche Carrera GT sounds like pure F1 too. I heard one revving on Friday it is the first I've ever seen.
Feb 26, 9:54am
Don't know if the actual material and labour costs would be as low as $30k but the development and tooling costs for Ferraris is ENORMOUS! Most of the unit profits from each Ferrari goes to pay for those items, Whilst they make a good profit it isn't that much. Can't remember the actual figures now as I was reading an article from some non car magazine in a doctors surgery. That is partly why there is a waiting list for Ferrari's. They don't make a truck load of body jigs like Toyota ( or Ford or GM) would so not many units can be manufactured at a time.
Feb 26, 9:59am
Ferrari is owned by Fiat so their financials etc are published like other public companies or in Fiat's case the Italian government. However you make a valid point because Ferrari's relatively modest profit is generated by only a tiny number of unit sales
Ferrari sells road cars to fund it's racing, it's always been that way.
Feb 26, 6:16pm
I would say that they used to fund their racing that way, but now sponsors are great in this multi million dollar circus called F1.
Feb 26, 6:43pm
their racing is their advertising for their (wildly) overpriced roadcars
the 458 is Ferrari's base model
despite the GT3 model in the works ,no hot road versions have come thru yet , they will once sales start tapering off
& despite it being the entry level car & model , its getting sold for more than the 430 Scuderia , which arguably had a serious development behind it
its pure "looks good , so we can charge more" - because thats how humans are
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