Does anybody know where these are located on a 4g93! Any help appreciated. Tia Mat.
Jan 10, 2:24am
err.! bucket filter! is this for a 4G93 GDI!
Jan 10, 2:26am
Yes thats the one.
Jan 10, 2:26am
I don't care so much where they are as WHAT they are!
Jan 10, 2:29am
^^ little metal screen mesh filter about the size of a thimble which sits in the high pressure pump housing assembly. My guess would be to follow the fuel lines and start undoing them one by one til you see the filter.
Jan 10, 2:30am
I have one with a miss feels like a fuel problem. Ignition side of things is good on the scope while driving. Fuel low presure good to the pump. Wanted to check the bucket filter before moving to the next step but need to locate it. Only spent bout 1/2 hour on it though.
Jan 10, 2:32am
Tried above quickly but could not locate it there is two oval plates on the inside back of it with torx screws is could be under them I guess. To lazy and unmotivated to look though lol.
Jan 10, 2:43am
what year is it! what is it in! is the mis-fire only at higher rpms!
Jan 10, 2:46am
no under load its a 97
Sep 3, 10:11pm
I would remove the throttlebody and have a peek in there with a bright torch and check how blocked up the inlet manifold is. Have seen some of them block up so much they are fine when idling or under light load, but struggle when under load or higher rpms as the manifold can no longer flow enough air.
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