Another car please?

pcguitarist, Feb 24, 12:39am
Okay so before I take the car into the garage, I thought i'd get some opinions here. I have a 1973 Mitsubishi GTO Colt with an Astron 2.0 motor, real wheel drive, manual. A problem has slowly appeared and is seeming to get worse. Nearly every time I change up a gear and put on a little gas, the motor (Not the steering) shudders violently, this also happens when changing down a gear. This only seems to happen low revs (Below 2000rpm) and once above it goes fine. To stop this happening, putting more gas on only makes it worse.I have to press in the clutch (Which stops the shuddering straight away) and then release with quite a bit of gas.

Could this be something to do with the timing! Or maybe the leads!

bcbuilding, Feb 24, 1:16am
Maybe a failed engine mount.Just a guess, but sounds similar to my old holden - which had a buggered mount.

franc123, Feb 24, 1:21am
yep I would be looking hard at the engine and trans mounts, both at their condition and perhaps for a stone or other foreign object thats been caught somewhere it shouldn't be.Any juddering when doing standing starts!

pcguitarist, Feb 24, 1:23am
Thanks so far, no shuddering on starts, mainly between 1300 and 2000 rpm.

ema1, Feb 24, 2:11am
Wonder if it has a loose clutch or perhaps oil contamination on the clutch plate ie caused by either a leaking rear main seal in the engine or the g/box front seal is leaking!
Engine mount or mounts broken could also be a thought here, even possible a g/box mount could have parted company!
Also check the drive shaft for possible "u" joint failure it could be that.
Hoist the vehicle and take a real good look underneath at the drive train to see all is in order.

pcguitarist, Feb 24, 2:29pm
Thanks for the help guys, I don't have a hoist :D but I'll put it on ramps and have a good look under the car for these faults. I'll let you know what happens.

mike107, Mar 2, 2:57am
Try flooring it in 5th gear doing 60 mph or 100 km/hr. If revs go up fast clutch is slipping. Sounds like clutch or motor mounts. All the best.

mike107, Jun 7, 1:51am
Also check universal where drive shaft meets diff. Get under GTO and grap drive shaft, there should be no play in it where it meets diff, this will also cause shuddering. Had this problem with a 16L and a GTO.