Help with starlet blowing out black stuff on drive

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69steel, Mar 3, 9:03pm
Thanks so much guys. Most of this is far beyond me but would be good to tell the mechanic. Also, would this sort of thing take hours to diagnose! Thats what the mechanic said

jasongroves, Mar 3, 9:09pm
It depends.
You may be better off going to a Toyota franchise/specialist.
They may charge more per hour, but will usually track the fault quicker.
An hours labour cost will most likely give you some of an idea where you stand and an idea of possible faults. If they run a diagnostic test it may cost more, but again, they work on Toyotas all day long, so know what to look for.

69steel, Jun 13, 12:02pm
Okay thanks,thats a good idea.