Mercedes MB100D Electrical puzzle. Help please.

falconer, Feb 27, 10:35pm
My battery has a 110ma draw with ignition of flattening the battery. When I remove the fuse marked " REKESAUDIO" the draw is removed. Unplugged the clock and the radio units and still a draw exists. What else is on this fuse to cause the battery to go flat! Any ideas other than the obvious mercedes banter.

intrade, Feb 27, 10:47pm
hi i got a mb140 and its got a key to cut power as something drains the battery. I am rather sure i know what drains the battery on my merc, its is the small light illuminating the ignition keyhole at night. it never goes out on my mb140 so check that and give it the snip if it is on. Otherwise fit a cut off marine mains switch like my one has.

falconer, Feb 27, 10:51pm
Can't bypass radio and clock because they need voltage for memory. Tried pulling connectors that I can find to no result.It is an even current so it is most likely an electrical item but I can not find it.

falconer, Feb 27, 10:53pm
Thanks intrade and biker 69, will check.

falconer, Feb 28, 1:41am
Good thinking biker 69 I have buckets of old relays but I think I must be missing the point in that it is driving something, (not the key light, no key light)

falconer, Jun 19, 6:53pm
Pulled the fuse box off to trace wires, checked resistances all OK. Now no drain on the battery. I am thinking the wire must have been trapped under a bolt or something. Crazy electrical stuff ! !