Or should i say is Shell petrol really Z! lol I cant see them legally being allowed to use the brands such as Vpower at all the remaining shell stations if they are not still selling Shell's Vpower formula. But its still the same tankers going to all the Z and shell stations, so is it just rebranded Vpower advertised as Z95! lol I know that the shell blue pennant kerosene is no longer available and the new stuff is clear and doesnt burn as cleanly, so it does bring into question what fuel is really being sold now!
Jan 14, 10:03pm
z are using the shell brand under license.
Jan 14, 10:14pm
It all comes out of the same tap at Marsden point.I used to make it.
Jan 14, 11:14pm
still lots of shell stations about, well in these parts anyway, always the last to get anything new fuel wise, heck they have only just put in a 98 pump at BP here, no-one else sells it in town.
Umm yes. They purchased the assets, correct. However they stilll use the Shell brand under license until they have had time to complete the rebrand of all the outlets. At the moment, Shell stations still exist, and Z are using the Shell brand UNDER LICENSE until such time as they no longer exist.
yeah but is it still actually shell fuel! I find it crazy that they would have to pay such a huge fee to licence the brand names!, its the same as selling coca cola, but only selling it as cola. Imagine going to a bar that sold lion red on tap, but was not allowed to advertise it as lion red only "beer" or "lager"
They still sell Vpower which is a brand of fuel that people recognise, why wouldnt shell want their brands promoted! Thats what really makes me wonder if it is shell fuel, it only comes from marsden point, I want to know if its still their formula or not, i still dont know why shell would want to pull out of NZ when they had such a large market share either.
Jan 15, 6:30pm
Shell is Z Z is shell, the fuel is the same at Zshell.
Jan 15, 6:44pm
why would you buy there petrol . its always 2 to 3 cents drearer thananywhere else.z is for rip off.
Jan 15, 6:50pm
actually shell and z are cheaper!
Jan 15, 6:53pm
not where i live never has been
Jan 15, 8:42pm
Theres still plenty of Indians working in the Z stations, So much for it been a NZ company.
Jan 15, 10:34pm
Yeah only people with white skin can be kiwis.
Jan 15, 10:40pm
so you think only native new zealanders should work here no indians no poms where do you start and where do you finish most of us are imigrants
Jan 15, 10:47pm
One of the assets that they purchased was a 17% share in the Marsden Point refinery, so yep, same fuel, coming from same place.
Jan 15, 11:39pm
I do hope they keep selling V Power, which is a very good fuel I have found, and I am not imaging it either; my car has less detonation with Vpower than other 95 RONs, my computer car's computer says so.
Jan 15, 11:46pm
Yea ive noticed the tanker with V Power fuel on board dropping off fuel at other non shell stations LOL.
Jan 16, 12:14am
2 to 3 cents dearer where did you get that info from! wizid
Jan 16, 12:50am
'Z'!, still looks like an '8' to me.
Jan 16, 1:18am
i drive a shell/z tanker the base fuel is the same for both brands but there is a differant additive in the fuel,greenstone have told us that this will continue until all sites have "rolled over" to the z brand
Jan 16, 2:45am
shell / z i generally same price within 1 or 2 cents of caltex and mobil, its generally bp that is dearer by a couple of cents, i pass all the different brands all round the country and make a point of checkin out the prices, sure is interesting with different regions price wars!
Jan 16, 4:18am
ive been wondering if something along those lines is the case.
Jan 16, 6:54pm
from z/shell water st whangarei today
Jan 18, 9:17pm
Hi guys, I'm Sheena from Z Energy. I thought I'd jump in and help clarify a few things, though some of you have already hit the nail on the head in terms of our fuels and the change over from Shell to Z.
Z Energy, a New Zealand company owned by Infratil and the NZ Superannuation Fund, now owns the fuel sales and distribution assets formerly owned by Shell NZ. Shell has been incredibly helpful in allowing us to continue offering V-Power at sites still branded Shell.
At Z sites, we have a new premium fuel (with a new additive) called ZX Premium Unleaded. ZX has high tech components that help remove deposit build-up on the inlet valves and by cleaning these, fuel can burn more efficiently enabling the engine to run more smoothly. So not only does it help clean your inlet valves, it continues to keep them clean. ZX also contains friction modification technology that helps improve engine efficiency by reducing friction between the cylinder liner and piston rings.
91 regular unleaded petrol and diesel is of the same high quality as under Shell, with most of it still being refined at Marsden Point.
If you'd like to have a conversation with us, feel free to do so on our facebook or twitter pages or drop us a line via z.co.nz. www.facebook.com/zenergynz; twitter.com/ZenergyNZ
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