Is Z petrol still Shell?

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nzoomed, Jan 19, 2:32pm
Thanks for clarifying that, i was wondering if something was along those lines was the case.

tigra, Jan 19, 2:42pm
Hey, its great you read the Message Board Motoring forum.

wizid, Jan 19, 7:24pm
still does not explain whyz petrol isdrear .than the rest

a18a, Jan 19, 7:37pm
Last time I looked, Shell was the same price as everywhere else. Even Mobil was the same price as Shell, when they're usually a few cents cheaper.

dave653, Jan 19, 10:34pm
Great info. Is the 'new additive' lead! best thing not so long ago.

sheena81, Jan 26, 9:07pm
No, it definitely does not have lead. You can check out more info on our website

thewomble1, Jan 27, 4:28am
Is there ZX in the 91 petrol!

frank, May 29, 5:11am
Fuck off Sheena. You are lying.

frank, May 29, 5:11am
Fuck off Sheena, you're lying.

guest, Sep 25, 11:29pm
1.climate change is the major caellhnge facing task of the environment today. when we wanted to have a long time energy supply,then we have reduce the carbon foot-prints and sourcing more from the renewable sources/ these recent years we have been facing lots of natural calmities.we have seen great tsunamis,floods..and so is the hottest topic on earth now.3.trees and plants are very important because they help us giving oxygen and they take the Co2.4.probably its, true because walking reduces the unwanted muscles ant they dissolve the fat. but the dont give the complete result in 2 or 3 days it takes long months .5.the same:3.trees and plants are very important because they help us giving oxygen and they take the is the place where there are so many plants and trees.also, we can get rid of our dillusion.6.Water already has energy, so all we have to do is capture and direct it. To make hydropower, water that flows from a river is usually held up by a dam and channeled past one or more turbines. The water catches and spins the turbines' blades. The spinning shaft of the turbine turns a generator, which produces alternating electric current. The current runs through power cables to a transformer, which converts it into high-voltage current that runs through power lines to the public.7.Although there are numerous other methods of generating electricity, solar panels have a number of considerable advantages for both the consumer, the producer, and the environment.Solar panels are clean while generating electricity from sunlight, solar panels produce virtually no pollution, whereas burning fossil fuels releases large quantities of toxic gases into the atmosphere.8.Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.9.i would say as IT IS NOT WASTE UNTIL WE WASTE IT .there are lots of things done from waste.ex: manure is done by decomposing veg peels , egg shells .10. of course it can also run in LPG cyclindres and there are also solar cars. than y not? its possible.

guest, Sep 28, 5:14am
yes sir, your arguments are so stonrg that i find difficulties reputing them. the only sad thing is that the startup money of these public companies come from taxpayers money. now they no longer see any obligation or gratitude to the taxpayers, all because they now have to take care of the legal shareholders.

guest, Sep 28, 10:54am
At this moment, the cost svnaig from feul still cannot outweigh the incremental cost of technology. This is where additional governmental incentives can help to deffer the incremental cost of green car. Many car manufacturers are investing into green car because they see the future of it.