You can only get experience when someone is willing to give you a chance and prove yourself. Which of course experience + qualifications = job
Jan 17, 2:53am
She is even blaming the system for letting her do the damm course, and if they did not let her study she would be complaining, there is no way I would want to handle this hot potato
Jan 17, 2:58am
Sexism! Maybe. Racism! Nope.plenty of Indian mechanics working everywhere I've seen.
Jan 17, 3:03am
a mechanic from glenfeild.
not many of those around.not
Jan 17, 3:07am
Or Z.
Jan 17, 3:21am
^^have to agree.
Jan 17, 1:05pm
I'm a Male Teacher and no one's grabbing at me. Partly there are so many female teachers 'cause that's the way they (and the often male principals) like it (not that I'm bitter.).
Jan 17, 1:14pm
She had her son when she was 13!
Jan 17, 2:58pm
vtnz will take her. she will be of the checking wiper liquid displayers.
Jan 17, 3:09pm
We have a similar issue in the music industry; they are churning out sound engineers (usually with large student loans attached) who will never be able to find work in the very small & specialised NZ recording and film / TV market. I can??
Jan 17, 5:43pm
Has she how!
NZ has a long history of actively seeking skilled migrants from over seas; the trouble is this woman isn??
Jan 17, 5:49pm
Ohh for gosh sakes. an employer is looking to employ a mechanic. The employer is deciding a mechanic that fits best with his existing work force and fills a gap in the skills base. he decides on bill or joe or jane or prajit. -the rest miss out. ---END To have the employer put on the spot because an inexperienced mechanic isn't the fit he's looking for is bullpucky WORSE to pull out the sex/race card is the ultimate in copouts.
If I was the guy from giltraps I'd probably have said NO COMMENT it doesn't matter what you say to the mediathey can edit it and change it to suit their agenda
Jan 17, 6:24pm
But doesn't who ever takes her on has to sponsor her for that whole alotted time that imigration requires! I don't think the 90 day contract comes into it.A pommy friend of mine had the same issue, she had qualifications in engineering that she got in England but her residnetcy here in NZ relied apon her securing a full-time job for 2yrs.
Jan 17, 6:28pm
She comes across as a permanent personnel problem for anyone who was unfortunate enough to take her on.I can just see the ongoing race, sexism, harrassment, gender card coming out of the box everytime something happens that she isn't happy with.She has already demonstrated that she is happy to get the media involved if things don't go her way.
End of the day, she only comes across as being after a permanent entry to NZ for herself and probably the other 40 members of her extended family.
Jan 17, 6:40pm
We have heaps of indian mechanics down in hamilton. One was the easiest wof place for a while until he was caught haha
Jan 17, 6:58pm
she came here for an education paid fpr it, got what she wanted, perhaps they saw this as an easy entry to nz.Her husband is a cleaner, how many unemployed cleaners out there,They recently brought he son here, shows they had the intention of being able to stay, hasnt worked so gone to the press.Same on her for using her race,My daughter is arecent graduate lacking experience the press arent interested in helping her,perhaps as she has no race to be used in that way. if she goes to the media like this, she will allways be a liabilaity>if i went to india would the media help me find work so I can stay I somehow dont think so All uni etc educate you but dont find you a job, they sold her a degree thats what she got . they are after all businesses, she choose to go there
Jan 17, 7:06pm
Not a maths teacher I see!
Jan 17, 7:56pm
Imagine- alesbian woman , in a wheelchair ,of local ethnic origon , hasHIV ,applying for a job,couldnt refusewithoutrace,gender ,disability, gayofficaldomaccusingyou of breachingher "rights "
Jan 17, 8:19pm
Oh no, oh no.the SHAME! ;-(I thought he was 17.
Jan 17, 8:45pm
She may surprise us all and end up having someone offer her a job. As much as I dislike people who run crying to the media she has managed to get a lot of exposure so there may be some method to her madness. If she ends up with a job offer it was the right move, if she doesn??
Jan 17, 10:31pm
omg the media would be throthing at the mouth to run more sensationalist crap and the Greens backing them up with threats of taking it to the UN human rights council. She might have a better chance of landing a job with fellow Indians running dodgy backyard garages in South Auckland as opposed to a high end Mercedes dealer! Then she will know all about workers rights, or lack of.
Jan 18, 3:20am
I wonder if a white male Kiwi would get the same exposure in the same circumstances.
Not bloody likely!
Jan 18, 3:32am
LOL, you already know how the media works; "dog bites man" is not news but ???man bites dog??? is. For better or worse she??
Jan 18, 3:39am
He wouldn't need to go to the media anyway, because a garage would have hired him already.
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