P'raps they're scared her shapely feminine arse hanging over an engine bay might distract the male mechanics.It sure would distract me.
Jan 18, 3:36pm
Agreed, if he was any good.
And therein lies the problem:o)
Jan 18, 9:12pm
& boy do they can get hissy if you dont give them something to print
Jan 18, 9:16pm
but she must have a hardon for motoring - its peasant work being a mechanic
Jan 21, 4:36pm
I saw a photo of this woman in the local paper, leaning over the engine bay of a car with her long hair hanging loose. Obviously no concept of workplace safety.
Jan 21, 5:43pm
the Tui's ads with the beautiful women working there! Hyundai do the same thing. seen it
Jan 21, 6:11pm
Yep thats it BUT in fact more like.
"Basically it was learning from the books and then doing the practical on the cars" BY THE BOOK. . Blimin hard to beat "seat of the pants" learning unless combined with the books AND vise versa
Jan 21, 6:13pm
Totally agree
Jan 21, 6:18pm
"Dog bites child" gets bigger news & sympathy. regardless of that kid having belted the dog on the nose 1st & that child being on a strangers property after climbing a fence to get in.
Jan 21, 6:20pm
LMFAO , you're correct there. tried that . Didn't work
Jan 21, 6:30pm
Fluency in english is not the problem , Clarity of speech is the most common problem. Indian/ Asian accented english is often heavy in tone or very soft tones & also spoken very fast compared to other english naturals .
Deep tones & speed of speech are the 2 biggest problems I have encountered. Correct words & placement of words in a sentence is easy to work out IF the speech tones & speed are correct for std english (Nz english here)
Oct 15, 4:46am
I don't know, this seems like a "pulling the leg" sort of story. I am female and a fully qualified engineer but as part of my degree I worked in the industry for work experience (minimum 800 hours in more than one work place, certain criteria etc). I didn't have one issue getting work experience and getting paid accordingly (12 $/hr or less no overtime etc). May I add that the international students had the same requirements and all got work experience outside of the university EVERYYEAR. We were expected to work during the holidays but most of us worked part time through-out the year as well to help the business out or to getMORE experience! I think this story has too many holes in it and it puts women who would like to work in the industry in a really bad light.
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