Got to the stage it was being a real pain to get started. Figured out it was the short light cable between the firewall harness & starter solonoid. It had fractured inside the clips. Rebuilt a new cable (crimpt & soldered) new terminals & it's starting fine now.
Mar 7, 1:31pm
toyota starter front part is non repairable. new or exchange is in order costs about 320$ last one i ordered was with 12.5%gst
Mar 7, 1:33pm
one other thing is 88 onwards hilux have dualmass flywheel that will root your starter when the flywheel dualmass part is rooted clonk klong is the busted dualmass flywheel in the case.
Mar 7, 3:48pm
Starter clutch . yea I know that they are not repairable by reasonable normal means, sealed units & all that. Got qouted $140 for a new starter clutch kit for the 2L starter (small body starter) so was better in the long run to pay the $140 for a 5L starter from the wreckers.
Mar 7, 3:49pm
No idea if mine is dual mass or not. How can you tell other then pulling it out or it stuffing up!
Motor in mine is the 2L-T with alloy rocker cover (roller rockers) 5 speed box & manual 4x4 lever.
Mar 7, 6:18pm
rocker roller has solid mass flywheel and so has the 2,8 non turbo.
Nov 27, 6:25pm
88 Hilux Surf 2.4T motor / 5L starter New battery Rebuilt shorter fatter battery cables
Been good till recent but now the starter often clunks when attempting to start. Sounds like the pinion is hitting the face of the ringgear but every now & then it will engage & it starts fine. When it's ok, it sounds as per normal When it won't, it sounds like the pinion isn't engaging in to the ring gear. Have had the starter out on the floor & it seems to be running fine Touched up the pinion slopes with the grinder (really really carefull & with a partoff blade) it's a bit better but still a real hassle. Could the pinion be the ony problem or the solinoid it's self getting weak.
Nov 27, 6:46pm
hows the end bush looking, if it used to work but now doesn't it should be apparent why, solenoids either work or they don't, although it could be a bit dry in the internal slide/piston ( that won't stop it working just slow the action down, and they don't pick up full windings amps until almost fully engaged - if slow they can give the missing the teeth sound, check the solenoid pivots and the condition of the arms and clips where it engages with the one way clutch, they can bend or break
Nov 27, 6:49pm
Assuming the starter is mechanically OK as above I'd also check for voltage drop down at the solenoid, it could be that the ignition switch is on the way out.
Nov 27, 7:29pm
Mmm ta. Will also run a jumper (relay) cable directly to the starter solinoid later this arvo, that should bypass any possible ignition power problem.
Last time I had it out, I also stripped it to check brushs etc & all appeared ok including the contacts in the back of the solinoid. Didn't check specificly for mechanical wear.
It 1st started doing that a few days after it's last waterblast clean but there wasn't any water in the starter or in any plugs around the engine bay. (pulled them apart to check)
Nov 27, 7:37pm
I know the toyotas suffer from the clutch failing the the starter. The starer engaguges in to the ring gear but then instead of it turning the flywheel it slips the internal oneway clutch.
Jun 28, 8:41am
Yep Dent, been there done that. Thats why it's got a 5L starter now. When the clutch went on the 2L starter, it sounded just like it was grinding on the flywheel, (like a stripped pinion or ring gear)
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