Tyre pressure. Can someone tell me what the pressure should be on a toyota camry swagon thank you

pericles, Mar 7, 4:35pm
can someone tell me what the pressure should be on a toyota camry s/wagon.
thank you

robbo36, Mar 7, 5:41pm
Should run between 32 and 36 psi in them. You could run 38 psi in the rears when loaded.

pericles, Mar 7, 5:50pm
thank you, stupid partner had them at 26, told him it wasn't right

jasongroves, Mar 7, 5:52pm
There should be a sticker inside the drivers door jamb with tyre info on it.
Start there and adjust accordingly.
Only info I have is for the sedan and that says 31psi front and 29psi rear, but it will depend on the load (as above) and the type of driving you do.

pericles, Mar 7, 5:53pm
mostly town
inside the door is in Japanese

vtecintegra, Jun 28, 12:07pm
Still pretty easy to work it out what you should be looking at, although the number is unlikely to be in psi

My car says 200kPa/2bar which is about 29psi, but I tend to run a bit higher around 33psi or so