Can a disqualified driver, drive a moped?

lizab, Mar 9, 11:46pm
I've been on the internet for ages trying to find the answer, but can't! Son has been d/q for 11 months and is talking about getting a moped/scooter, as he's been told you don't need a licence if under 50cc! I'm not sure on this at all and would appreciate any advice please - would make me a very angry mother if he got caught doing something dumb. again!
Cheers :)

johnn, Mar 9, 11:49pm
You do need a licence even if it is just learners but disqualified means no licence so no not even a moped can he ride.

russ6, Mar 9, 11:49pm

jono2912, Mar 9, 11:49pm

lizab, Mar 9, 11:53pm
I thought as much - thanks so much you guys - much appreciated :)

marcos1, Mar 9, 11:55pm
A mate of mine brought an electric pushbike.

lizab, Mar 10, 1:07am
I can just see my 20 yr old son on one of those lol! Thanks for the help everyone :)

net_oz, Mar 10, 1:36am
Says you can drive one on any licence but it doesn't say you must have a licence to drive one.

smac, Mar 10, 2:27am
Well, actually, yes (in answer to the bicycle question).

johnf_456, Mar 10, 2:30am
You can disqualified means you are forbidden to drive anything on the road, I remember seeing a while back on police ten 7 a guy getting charged on a bike while another one on a mobility scooter.

johnf_456, Mar 10, 2:32am

pettal, Mar 10, 2:33am
you dont drive a moped , you ride it .

smac, Mar 10, 2:39am
You're missing the follow up article in which his case was thrown out.

Think it through.if you can't ride a bicycle because you don't have a do kids get away with it!!

If you want the legislation read the definitions of vehicle, motor vehicle and mobility device here: And then:

But plain common sense should get you there on this one.

bruno07, Mar 10, 2:39am
should of gone for a section 94

johnf_456, Mar 10, 2:42am
Might not of being the best example I'm trying to dig up the article now, it could of been dui.

Anyway I'm too tired to argue you win, I'm sure there has been cases before of people on tv getting charged that are disqualified while riding a bike.

smac, Mar 10, 1:27pm
johnf, I won't waste time arguing a point of law with someone who's sole argument is "I saw it on Police ten 7" :P

biker - yes I used the wrong term. I meant his defence was thrown out, meaning he lost.

Claiming he was riding a bicycle when the pedals were not attached, while using the motor.what a loser. His lawyer needs his head read for thinking it would work.

elvis58, Mar 10, 1:58pm
No license requiredfor a pushbike, therefore no problem.I saw a tv show about a dad who bought his son a electric scooter which was later confiscated by police as the boy had lost his license earlier. There was at that time a loophole in the systemwhich made those scooters a motor vehicle in the hands of someone older than 15 but a toy when used by kids.Fair go did the test, even though the scooter was shown to be slower than a pushbike and a mobility scooter the police weren't interested.

mr340, Mar 10, 8:53pm
not over 50kmph

johnf_456, Mar 10, 8:56pm
police ten 7 is a law enforcement show, they don't just show make believe offenses of people getting ticketed. As they like to show them doing there job and doing there civil job in the community. So the fact you go have no licence eh does that mean you can be drunk and ride a bike home! :P

I'm sure there has been cases of it of disqualified drivers pushing there luck. But yes in general no licence but just to my know ledge disqualified drivers aren't allowed on the road to be in charge of anything. Hence the term disqualified, but yeah your right but I think it should be changed.

Disqualified drivers should have the book thrown at them.

elect70, Mar 10, 9:17pm
Wasnt aware needed a licence for mobility scooter

smac, Jul 8, 8:57am
Did you guys read the links above! You do not need licence for a mobility device, and a disqualification does not stop you driving ANYthing on the road.

As for what is and isn't reality on ten 7, I wouldn't know, don't watch it. Closer to entertainment than anything resembling fact from what I hear.

Can you ride a bike home drunk! Depends entirely on what they try and charge you with, because some offences apply if you drive a VEHICLE, whereas others apply to MOTOR vehicles.

Go do some learning rather than just parroting what you misheard in the pub, or saw on something pretending to be a documentary. Have a nice day y'all.