Helogen blue lights?

steve817, Mar 10, 2:08am
can you get these bulbs for the parking lights too!

clark20, Mar 10, 2:23am
yes, try BNT and ask for cool blue park light bulbs

twink19, Mar 10, 2:37am
but can you get a WOF with them!

motorway, Mar 10, 2:39am
I do with mine.3 wofs so far no probs.

clark20, Mar 10, 2:47am
With ECE compliant ones yes, and technically the LED ones are illegal, they have no compliance. But they still get through WOFs.

fordcrzy, Mar 10, 3:03am
those cool blue lights are NOT blue/white enough.they are still yellow looking.i know because i bought some. Get some LED lamps instead

directorylist, Mar 10, 3:33am
Whats the point in Blue lights! its the colour band your eyes are least sensitive to. Is it just for looks!

321mat, Mar 10, 5:36pm

Blue bulbs are equivilent driving at night with your lights off.
You just cannot see clearly where you're going.

wizid, Mar 10, 5:52pm
blue lites can be seen from a longer distants.

flockton55, Mar 11, 2:46am
Ah, an authoritative answer from a professor of vehicle lighting technology!

richms, Jul 9, 1:16pm
They are there for wanker warning. So that oncoming cars know that the car is being operated by a complete tosser so to stay clear of it.