Corolla oil pressure

saturn51, Mar 10, 9:42pm
The oil pressure gauge on my 1988 FXGT with the 4A motor has suddenly started to read high.It reads three quarters the way up the scale and takes about twenty seconds to return to zero after turning off the motor.
Is it the relief valve in the pump or are the gauges renowned for failure!
I remember the Hillman Avenger had a ballast behind the dash but if that failed all the gauges gave false readings.TIA.

intrade, Mar 10, 10:52pm
only times i have had close to 6 bar was at 20 degree minus first thing in the morninf when my fiat uno diesel was about due for a oil change till engine warmed up the oil. buy a pressure gague and screw it in to the oil pressure sender hole and see what that reads . normal is 3.5 bar to 4.5 bar pressure

saturn51, Mar 11, 4:04am
Thanks for the answers,will change oil and filter first then delve deeper.

pollymay, Mar 11, 4:36am
Is this only when cold! They have really high pressure when cold cause the oil is like honey to pump.

poohy99, Mar 11, 11:51am
Sounds like the gauge has failed.

saturn51, Jul 9, 11:04pm
Not only when cold,reads higher than the fuel gauge. :-(