(1)When doing a warrant these days does the inspector have to removethe brake drums to inspect the shoes etc! (2). When I went to pick up the vehicle I was simply told the brakes need attention but was given no indication as to what the problem was as the vehicle had 4 equal brakes and a good hand brake yet was rejected. He just smirked and told me to work it out (3) I noticed the front rotors were grooved so replaced them and freed up a sticking caliper, renewed rear shoes, and skimmed the drums and got a perfect brake, Still it was rejected. I asked what else could be wrong and was told there was signs of dampness on the top of one wheel cylinder. Absolutely dry elsewhere and even the cover caps were dry, but that apparantly was the reason for rejection. Is this over the top! or does everything have to be perfectly dry ! Im very seroiusly thinking of changing garages.
Mar 12, 1:30pm
1) No: strictly visual inspection only and if they try it on let them know. 2) That very un professional, I would ignore his advice full stop and get a real experienced mechanic to take a look. Oh and not midas. 3)I'm guess you made a mess with some brake fluid while bleeding them! Does the pedal sink to the floor! Any fluid loss!
But really get a new mechanic.
Mar 12, 1:32pm
You should have insisted on a full explanation.Lodge a complaint.And get a new service provider.
But let me guess - this was a place offering a $30 warrant inspection, right!
Mar 12, 1:37pm
$30 does not mean a poor wof, poor mechanics come in any form and shape.
Mar 12, 1:45pm
No, this place Ive been going to for years and thought if I got a warrant there then it would be a good proper check but my faith is dwindling. FAST.
Mar 12, 1:45pm
Correct, theres no reg's to define what a wof should or must cost. it's up to the station/garage owner to decide whats viable for the amouint of work to do a wof check.
Vtzn is under a franchise so the big boss's/ owners set the nationwide fee charges
Mar 12, 1:47pm
ANY dampness on a brake cyclinder is a fail
Simple cure/test is to wash the parts effected, with hot soapy water, let dry & take the car for a run around the block, recheck to see if it's damp again. If it's damp again then YOU have a problem to sort out
Mar 12, 1:49pm
Correct, every garage has different over head costs.
Mar 12, 1:50pm
Yup ^, basic common sense.
Mar 12, 1:50pm
Agreed^ but maybe remind the guy he NEEDS to explain the reason for rejection. A rejection MUST have a sound & valid reason That reason MUST be based on the wof reg's & THAT only.
Mar 12, 1:52pm
HEY . who's stalking WHO . here ;-)
Mar 12, 1:59pm
quote=reggienz. (1)When doing a warrant these days does the inspector have to removethe brake drums to inspect the shoes etc! . = NOT allowed to remove/unscrew/alter/ damage ANY parts
(2). When I went to pick up the vehicle I was simply told the brakes need attention but was given no indication as to what the problem was as the vehicle had 4 equal brakes and a good hand brake yet was rejected. He just smirked and told me to work it out . = he's being a smart arse & needs to be reported to his superior, also MUST explain the reasons for rejection as per wof reg's (3) I noticed the front rotors were grooved so replaced them and freed up a sticking caliper, renewed rear shoes, and skimmed the drums and got a perfect brake,. = good job well done way above what was probebly needed .
Still it was rejected. I asked what else could be wrong and was told there was signs of dampness on the top of one wheel cylinder. Absolutely dry elsewhere and even the cover caps were dry, but that apparantly was the reason for rejection. Is this over the top! or does everything have to be perfectly dry ! . = Yes brake componantes MUST be dry of ANY type of oil / no, not an over the top rejection altho possibly being pedantic. . Water dampness excluded of course (rainy day). . . . /quote
Jul 13, 4:57pm
Agreed, which basicly what I said above plus a little bit more
HATE it when they do that. They're simply being lazy or smart arses when they can't tell you at least roughly what to look for.
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