Anyone had any dealings with this guy! My parents are in the process of restoring a Mustang at the moment, and got this guy to do the re-con on their engine about 3 years ago. He asked for $4000.00 which they paid immediately. 2 years later & after meetings and numerous promises by Mike Cranstoun of Protech Engines, they ended up getting the motor back off of him and sending it to someone else to get completed. Mike then promised he would get the completed engine running for them, but then became non-contactable and once again, they ended up having to take it to someone else to be finished. They even offered to have him work off the money he owes them on the motor but once again, lots of promises but a no show as usual.At each contact that they have managed to get from him, he has made excuses as to why he hasn't completed the work, yet they see that his race cars/speed way cars, and his mates skid car are all running well.My parents are absolutely gutted with him (and the fact that he is oblivious as to why they are annoyed with him), and want to put out a warning that he should certainly not be paid until a motor is completed.They now have there car running and driving thanks to some of the more strongly work ethic'ed mechanics in Chrischurch.
Jan 21, 5:29pm
It sucks that all that has happened and all, but why do people let themselves get shafted like this! They went TWO YEARS before they did something about this! Take him to court
Jan 21, 5:31pm
That sucks, but let me guess, he was the cheaper option of several quotes they received!
Jan 21, 5:37pm
Not sure on the quotes. They waited two years, because the engine was actually being built, albeit at a snails pace. Plus, they had trouble getting in contact with him most of the time.
Jan 21, 5:49pm
Why the heck did they pay in advance!
Surely, if he had to be paid something in advance (for parts or whatever), they should have said "Nope, 25% in advance. 75% on completion". At best.
Disputes Tribunal him.
Jan 21, 5:49pm
If someone takes $4000 for doing an engine rebuild, it should be a priority to get the job done. At least the engine builder knows they aren't going to get messed around with payment like some other customers. I presume it's a 289! These old v8s are very simple to work on and there's no reason for it to take more than a couple months. I hope they got a reciept from him.
Jan 21, 6:42pm
Not sure what size the motor is (which I'd usually ask too). I know alot of people will say "oh, shoulda done etc", but the fact is, you pay someone to provide you a service-you expect it done. That's that happens in a presumably ethical world right!
Jan 21, 6:51pm
Better to not trust anyone and pay your money after they've completed their end than pay the money up front and not have anything done.
What you need to do now is collect as much information/evidence as possible, get to the Citizens Advice Beaureau/Lawyers and take himt o court. I REALLY hope you got a receipt for the $4K.
Jan 21, 6:53pm
Have dealt with him before, never again. We use HPE now.
Jan 21, 9:01pm
Yeah, I googled him and it would appear that at least a few people have had bad dealings with him.becomes uncontactable, doesn't complete work etc.
Jan 21, 10:03pm
he is on facebook
Jan 21, 11:23pm
Get them to meticulously write down events in date order with every fine detail possible. Support each detail with as much paperwork as possible.
Then slap it into the DT. At least he's still solvent and their chances of getting it sorted are reasonably good.
Jan 21, 11:29pm
if he is still in business disputs tribunal and ask to have a distress warrant atached to your demand of 4g back. distress warrant is needed or he will jsut pay 5 $ and you are screwd and can take him to disputes all over again. Distress warrent will make the court seez his bankaccounts and property to pay for your demanded money as soon as you been awarded it by disputes tribunal.
a Distress Warrant to demand immediate payment or have your personal possessions taken and sold to pay the debt.
Jan 21, 11:34pm
be awear disputs tribunal is limmited only demand the ammount the disputs tribunal can do i dont know if it goes to 4 grand if its 3.5k then demand this proof at hearing that it was more at least you be getting some money then.
Jan 21, 11:55pm
That's for the advice owene and intrade, will pass this onto my Mother and see if they can't get some form of refund from this guy.
Jan 22, 12:52am
DT goes up to $12k
Jan 22, 12:54am
Yep good luck - seems like a fairly straight forward case for the DT but it is as I mentioned earlier, important that you have really good documentation. I've been in the DT five times in the last 9 years and have won every time - due mainly to the level of detail presented.
Come back here and let us know how they get on.
Jan 23, 3:55pm
My mother posted a message about him on the fairgo Facebook site the other day, he's been in contact with them sayin that he will give the engine a retune once it has done some run in kms. My mum is sceptical, and I can't blame her.I wouldn't want him doing a "final tune" on anything.
Jan 23, 5:14pm
forget it money back all of it or disputs tribunal. He has had more then all his chances.
Jan 28, 3:36pm
Yep don't let him near it as his having anything more to do with it will potentially wreck any chances of recovering her losses. Also, tell her to NOT post anything on him until it's been resolved by the DT - if he's half smart he'll drag her comments into his defense.
Jan 28, 3:45pm
Don't ever give someone who races cars money in advance, might as well give it to a compulsive gambler
Jan 28, 5:09pm
^^^danm rightnever pay for anything in advance.There is no dispute so take it straight todistrict court& apply for orders as perintradespost .
Jan 28, 6:50pm
Well there appears to be no dispute but what if the Protech people instruct a lawyer to construct a lawyer!You are then in at the deep end and it could cost you thousands. Stick to the DT which in my experience has always been a very fair and equitable process - as long as you prepare your written document of facts. You don't need a lawyer to do that and in fact lawyers are not allowed in the DT hearings.
Jan 29, 4:24pm
Richynuts- almost true, my uncle seemed to do right with his radiators and drag cars, that's a little different though. It is down to the individual and their integrity.
My folks are waiting to see if he will come through on his promise for a final tune. In the lean time they have found two other guys who are still tryin to get money/engines off of him.
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