the engines that are used the most will be it. you probably want to make more clear what you actuarly mean!
Mar 18, 6:22pm
Mar 18, 6:27pm
Ok which engine brand is most rebuilt or recond by engine reconditioners. EG Nissan,Toyota,Mazda etc.
Mar 18, 7:00pm
that is not the way to find the most unreliable engine as a engine usually has loads of added stuff like sensors and computers. . the most unreliable cars are made by mitsubishithe gdi with automatic trans is the top of what i know.
Mar 18, 7:02pm
most rebuilt engines are also extreem reliable . like nissan 6 cilinder diesel that are fitted to loads of excavators and other machines that run all day every day and needa rebuild for that reason only.
Mar 18, 7:09pm
Im not trying to find the most unreliable engine.
Mar 18, 7:15pm
what do you try to do then!as no one is going to rebuild aengine for 4 to 7 grand when the car is worth 3 afterwards.
Mar 18, 7:16pm
Are you a reconditioner intrade !
Mar 18, 7:20pm
i rebuilt a few yes but i have to get the work done like machining boors . I just dismentel and reassemble in my shop.
Mar 18, 7:21pm
Oh ok. What brand do work on mostly then !
Mar 18, 7:26pm
well anything i mostly work on what ever is fitted to jachts . like yanmar diesel is a popular one also volvo penta . not all need a rebuild of what i work on some just need a head job . your probably best off to explain what exactly you want to find out !
Mar 18, 7:32pm
I thought it was quite a simple question,i have phoned a few recon experts in town and they answered it ok,they all do more Subaru engines than any other brand,so i guess i have my answer,thanks anyway.
Mar 18, 7:37pm
yea well you probably have your answer. this just means that the subaru will be newer models or specially expensive ones to make it worth repairing. go and ring some automatic trans rebuild places and ask what the most rebuilt auto trans are . i know the answer is Mand M
Mar 18, 7:43pm
Many of todays engines are not able to be reconditioned. Thin wall castings , hollow crankshafts ,crap metal castings that soften with agethin water jackets etc , plus cant get oversize pistons /rings for them .Iseem to remember Hondas being 1 that enginebearings etc cant get, they are throw away engines . Even an old toyota celica (1993) mate wanted to reconcouldnt getbearings or oversize pistons for .Euros not much better . ,wanted to recon my BMW 635 but oversizes not available .Sor wreck the car or replace motor-.if you can buy new .
Mar 18, 8:11pm
A lot of the "parts not available" is simply explainedremembering what happened last time you tried to walk in a parts shop with NO details except the part in question. ******* Sorry sir, we can't ID the part without the chassis/Vin / model/year/color of the vehicle it come off. . Is the vehicle parked outside sir!
Mar 18, 8:14pm
By the book . can't think for them selves, if it's not in the book/computer cataloge, Then we can't help you!
Mar 18, 8:16pm
This makes me laugh^^^^^^^ all of the above. Now I will tell you why,the most unreliable cars are un-serviced and poorly maintained ones. Its a fact!
Mar 18, 8:18pm
True but . even that won't save some models
Mar 18, 8:24pm
Like euro cars.ha ha I know I shouldnt but have too
Mar 18, 8:36pm
Yet you could buy a set of protec's, set of bigends and a set of valve stem seals for under $100 andput them in almost any g63b mitsi engine at 200,000 k's and it would be off again fine. Most still had obvious hone marks in the bore, gee they are so unreliable!
Mar 19, 7:23pm
Oh yeah ! tried every BMW parts /aftermarketi could findon the net &forums as far as Mexico for the parts & BMWGermany say not made any more& no after market makes them either, so where else would I find them!
Mar 19, 8:26pm
S/h Eye to piston & match up a set TOTALLY ignoring model, at a parts store You NEED to find someone thats done it before & know someone that will let you go through their shop stock with a vernier caliper
Aug 6, 7:54am
Maybe even ignoring brand
Done that before & succedded ******* Buy a write off for parts Pester the reco shops
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