Wifes car has developed a fault, Start the car up in the morning (or anytime really) and it fires and idles as per normal, trundle on down the driveway (long driveway as we are rural) and out onto the road and as soon as you put your foot down it runs like a bag of S**t, its like it isnt running on all cylinders and then kicks into life, also happens going up a hill as well when you put your foot down, loss of power etc, Doesnt sound mechanical as it sounds ok at idle and runs ok along a flat bit of road, Its only when you 1st take off after the car has been sitting for a few hours and if you want to kick down going up a hill. Just curious if any of you guys who have had a bit to do with these cars have had this fault crop up. Engine light used to come on and she said all she did was take her foot off the gas and the light would go out (wish i had known before now), Took it for a spin earlier, and yea gave her a grilling for not saying anything. " I thought it would go away" she said. Its just a base model impreza 1.8L non turbo etc, any opinions!
Jun 23, 4:03am
It could be a number of things, so guessing over the net is not going to fix the problem. But, I would check the basics first, spark plugs, HT leads and replace the fuel filter if it hasn't been done in the last few years.
and if it's possible to get it plugged into a diagnostic computer, do that.
Jun 23, 4:10am
Thought you quit the messageboards mk3zephyr. But anyway, check the basics, get the fault codes read. Also what generation is it, i.e year and also what fuel are you running it on!
95 Impreza 1.8L and running on 91, Havnt checked the basics yet as its like the black hole of calcutta and colder than a witches t*t outside tonight, Cant roll it into the shed as my saloon car is in bits in there. Just thought someone may have a bit of a heads up in this forum.
Jun 23, 4:10pm
Could be as simple as incorrect spark plugs or maybe afm issues etc, but as above check fault codes first, The engine check light only comes on once and the fault is then recorded to the ecu for you to decifer. Yours will be 0bd1 so dont need a scanner just plug in the single wires that come off the main loom under the steering column and count the check light flashes
Jun 23, 4:23pm
You thought wrong, How the hell did you get my email address and send me a nice little note trying to explain that you didnt Nark on me although you spouted off about it on these boards and then tried to retract it (not before being caught out by others). explain please
Jun 23, 4:32pm
Because you posted it on here once, I found it through googles cache and at the time I was winding you up(sorry). edit (nothing gets deleted with cache) and you did say that you were leaving hence the question.
Have you had a chance to check the basics yet
Jun 23, 11:00pm
For sure it is a faulty spark plug or coil over plug.te engine coming on confirms it as it will come on for a misfire causing a rich / lean mixture. "KISS"
Jun 24, 3:15am
took the AFM apart and didnt think it should look brown in colour so gave it a good squirt of brakleen, got all the brown crud off it. Refitted it and it goes 100% better. Noticed when i switched the ignition on the "power" light flashed for a bit. Anyway took it for a squirt to the end of the road and back (about 4km) and ran good as gold, just about got back home and the check light came back on, took my foot off the gas and back on again and it went out, still ran good as gold though, any idea what the flashing "power" light means
Jun 24, 3:27am
Flashing power light means the trans ecu has pick up a fault
Jun 24, 3:38am
Cheers for that, Sounds like this car is fast disintegrating
Jun 26, 4:07am
Ok fellas, got code 23 and 33 as the faults. 23 was the AFM which i already dealt to, 33 says it is the speed sensor (speedo not working now), where be the speed sensor at!, is it where the cable screws into in the trans or on the back of the dash cluster!, heck could even be a snapped cable (check that one out tomorrow), cheers
Jun 26, 4:12am
Damn good question mkfwee. 33 shyte dat's not the answer from the *hitchikers guide to the galaxy* (if ya on MA i'd ping ole zephyrheaven.he'd know where the ole 33 is) sure it's not trying to play 33 rpm vynil!
Jun 26, 4:43am
If it is i'll flick the old 33 Vinyl up to 45 speed for entertainment value lol
Jun 26, 3:46pm
Speed sensor is @ the trans end mate, yank it out & go find one - there are about 6 different types so you will need it in your hand when looking for one at a scrappy etc Will give exact symptoms as you have given above
Jun 26, 4:37pm
KNOCK sensor , its retarding your timing or not letting it advance.
Jun 26, 6:01pm
for what!, sorted the main issue being the AFM, whats the knock sensor got to do with it!, even the fault code didnt come up with that, came up with the AFM and speed sensor
Jun 26, 6:02pm
So is the speed sensor just a flash name for the speedo drive at the trans/gbox end!
Jun 26, 6:06pm
Yip, it does both jobs
Jun 26, 6:18pm
roger that, thank you
Jun 26, 6:41pm
haha that's awesome.
Jun 26, 11:01pm
took the speedo drive out and yea its toast, didnt spin and was as tight as a nun's ****, Tried spinning the speedo cable between my fingers and got the Clock to read, So obviously the speed sensor/speedo drive, Off to the wrecker i shall go although our local subaru dismantler will probably want $$$70-80 for one, Rip off pri*ks they are
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