Slk Mercedes

soundie1, Jun 6, 10:34pm
I would love one of these .Any one had one that give me the heads up to what they are like.I ve had these mid life crazy ideas before and never done any thing about it.But I really like these cars.Thanks for your opinions or your ideas on another fun car that could be used just for those fine Sunday cruises.

jezz43, Jun 6, 10:36pm
make sure the gearbox is maintained, ive had to rebuild 4 of them at $7500 each or $14500 brand new from mercedes.

mugenb20b, Jun 6, 11:22pm
Late model Mazda MX5.

soundie1, Jun 6, 11:30pm
With your comment jezz43 was it the same fault in each case or different.Could you easily identify the fault in a test drive or was it the sort of fault that you would have to take the car to a specialist auto transmission place for pre purchase inspection
With the MX-5 idea late model being after 2000 or what!

jezz43, Jun 6, 11:34pm
only 2 of the 4 gearboxes i fixed were the same issue, one was the guys wife put water in the gearbox filler, ruined the bands and lost all drive, 2 of them were blockages in teh valve bodies in the box, caused a rupture and overheated the box. cant remember what the last one was, it may not be an actual fault, but i reckon that if it maintained well enough, (and you dont let your wife under the hood) they can be pretty reliable

mugenb20b, May 16, 10:49am
The later the better. I was thinking 2008+