Holden VT Calais 3.8v6 starting problem.

steinway2, Jun 5, 3:10pm
can someone help my vt calais will start fine sometimes then other times it just cranks over and over and it wont go untill it feels like it ! it is geting petrol sounds like spark problem!

im_andrew, Jun 5, 3:23pm
Sounds like an immobilizer problem. Try pressing [unlock] on the key next time it happens, and try again.

steinway2, Jun 5, 4:27pm
ok i will if that doesnt work ! what does the unlock (apart from unlock thew car) do!

im_andrew, Jun 5, 4:45pm
Disables the cars immobilizer for 40 seconds. Normally the little mole on your key comes in contact with the ring around your keyhole and disables it for you, but if the contact is dirty, or bent back so its not touching, it wont happen.

The immobilizer disables the injector pulse when its armed, or atleast it did on VS - I dont know for sure if its the same for VT but its certainly worth a try.

steinway2, May 11, 10:48pm
thanks dude you are a ledgend! it has woarked so far . thanks heaps truely greatful.