yea that will keep going, nothing wrong with it, could nock down the price abit. It will devalue fast from after you buyt it, especially if gas goes up. The odd thing may crop up but hey basically it wil keep going for another 100,000km. Good luck.
Jan 21, 2:05am
Getting sucked in by the wind up merchants again.
Jan 21, 2:08am
ok, thanks msig. You a Ford fan usdefault!
Anyone else have a differing opinion!
Jan 21, 2:14am
K are getting up there a bit, but if you can see a copy of the service history could be worth the punt. Get a pre purchase inspection as well.
Jan 21, 2:21am
Its an early 3.6. They had cam chain issues. $3000 to replace. But at those High km I would say it has been done. Later model ones and early ones that have had the chains replaced do not have the problem, so ask about that. That is the only major issue I can think of.
Jan 21, 2:22am
Ok will do thank you for that.
Jan 21, 2:23am
Seems reasonable. High KM, but $6K is pretty good
Service History will be relevant.
Jan 21, 3:08am
I had one as a rep car, had high km's too. Very strong torquey motor. Good car
Jan 21, 3:52am
It needs two more pistons.
Jan 21, 4:55am
Get the new warrent done at a testing station, not the sellers best mate.
Jan 21, 5:00am
It needs 2 more turbos
Thanks everyone
Jan 21, 11:27am
As above. check for service history, apart from that it looks to be a tidy car & is reasonably priced. You'll like it.
Jan 21, 11:56am
Pay the extra few dollars for a full carjam report just to satisfy yourself that it was a company car and not a taxi or cop car.As the others have said check service history, service book in the glove box would be a good start. If you can get it for 6k you've got a good deal.
Jan 21, 1:12pm
I would say it was a cop car - slapped some SV6 wheels on it, are there any unusual screw holes around the passengers side plastic dash / footwell assembly!
Jan 21, 3:06pm
Its an Acclaim so very much doubt it.
Jan 21, 3:47pm
How much faith do you put into the dog and lemon guide! They seem to hate every car ever made. They say this should be never purchased and rated as "Dodgy".
Jan 21, 3:49pm
That was my thought. If anything, a taxi, but not LPG, so unlikely.
I'd get it checked out, but seems alright to me.
Jan 21, 3:50pm
That guy hates everything except toyota corollas.
Jan 21, 4:09pm
Yeah I agree. I find his help most unhelpful. If he was right nearly every car owner on the road would be broken down or out of pocket.
Jan 21, 4:13pm
Don't think you could put gas on the VZ, seem to remember taxi drivers who updated at the time were trading them back on VY's
Jan 21, 4:18pm
You mean CNG or LPG type of gas !
Jan 21, 11:31pm
$3,000 for a cam chain! Or did you mean $300!
Jan 21, 11:40pm
phone gear for a sales rep my Calais has that too, used to be owned by a contracting company, nice car the Alloytec are good motors they didn't have timing chain issues untill the VE when they went with a different supplier i am waiting for the assorted idiots to tell you to get a honda or some heap of shit like that but the fact is that Commodore will drive a lot nicer.
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