How long do you're brakes last

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bmwnz, Jun 3, 1:28pm
In my 48 years of driving, I've replaced front pads twice and rears, never. Tyres last me about 40k on average (that's approx 2-3 years) - although I once had a set of Dunlop SPs that lasted 6 months.

dave653, Jun 3, 9:11pm
Had my HJ nearly 26 years, 2 sets front pads, 1 set rear shoes, 1 master cylinder, 1 caliper rekit, 1 rear cylinder rekit, discs and shoes. never touched! And I'm sposed to be an idiot driver!

strobo, Jun 4, 3:42pm
crzyhrse wrote:
I can't understand how so many people can confuse "your" and "you're" and"brought" (to BRing) and "bought". Don't get me started on "their", "they're" and "there".[/quote

Bloody moan artist at it again!,most convey the message welldespite theirmistakes ,all i see is you cruising through threads pointing out errors with littlevalue added to the post but complain!

mrfxit, Jun 4, 3:48pm
Fixed that for ya & agree

strobo, Jun 4, 3:53pm
From the past work i did on police cars , (cops are hard on brakes) 60/40 %esp Frnt brks ,the soft pads were frequently replaced, & the hard compound pads wore the rotors out , so getting a happyaverage median type pad helps with long lasting qualities, As for the hydraulics mostly maintenance free , the seals may leak over time , it pays to renew brake fluidyearly as a rule of thumb ,to prevent scuffing.ensuring longer life.

strobo, Jun 4, 4:20pm
Mr fixitlol ,Hey thanks mate ,bloody champion :)

frytime, Jun 4, 4:31pm
one of the sets i put in lasted 5,000km. most of my cars last about 40,000

lookoutas, Jun 4, 4:42pm
So he shoulda typed - "I have AND XF Coon!"

johnf_456, Jun 4, 4:49pm
I agree thats what he does, trolls are like that.

I don't see the problem, unless its really really bad text speed like "aE bro, cuz, kar," etc and we can understand it whats the problem. It is not a English exam, their is better things to do than nit pick on spelling and grammar. You are not the only one strobo that has noticed it, I get it a bit.

johnf_456, May 8, 4:45am
Yup, I tend to make mistakes myself. Always in too much of a hurry lol.