Best 3 litre diesel engine

jezz43, Jun 3, 1:36pm
nissan safari TD42 if you can find one that cheap. it is 4.2, but ive had a few of them, never had a single issue and tows very well

muzz67, Jun 3, 1:59pm
4.2s take 10litres of oil and two filters,, cost a fortune to change. good luck finding any decent diesel for less than a k

trader_84, Jun 3, 2:45pm
4JH1T . Isuzu TD found in some rodeo's. Direct Injection diesel. They are strong, basic, reasonably late model and go well. The majority of diesels that are going to get mentioned to you are going to be of the indirect injection variety . overheat on of these (just once) and you are starting down the slippery slope of $$$ engine damage. The reason being is that through design . their heads are all inherently weak due to that precombustion chamber sitting above each pot. The direct injection engines don't have this meaning they are structually stronger in a critical area of a combustion engine and are a proven more fuel efficient to boot.

trader_84, Jun 3, 2:48pm
Oh, just read that you wanted to spend up to a grand . ok, forget the 4JH1T . you are not going to get anything decent in the diesel range for that sorta coin unless you luck onto a smash vehicle maybe . good luck.

dyln.sampson, Jun 3, 3:46pm
U should look into the 2.5 navara's or pathfinders great towing capacity and 4wdriving! awesome toys/ i have one myself and go 4WD also tow my transport trailer with my digger on it. goes good would never buy anything else.

r15, Jun 3, 4:55pm
good luck finding any diesel other than an old avenir or corolla for under a grand. and even one of them at that price will be pretty tired.

cheapest 4wd turbo diesel i can think of that can be reliable is a KZN130 surf, but you will need to spend a bit of $$ on getting the cooling system up to scratch if you want to tow with it.more like around 5-6k

trader_84, Jun 3, 7:37pm
r15, outline what mods you'd carry out to a hilux pickup that has been repowered with a 1KZte/R151. The reason I ask is because I've got a dereg'd KZN130 with one of those motors in it that I got in order to repower my pickup with for towing duties. My hilux is tough but gutless with a load behind it and the Surf is a grunter but with no deck. So was going to combind both of them but always knew the engine was supceptable to heating problems.

jasongroves, Jun 3, 9:28pm
Sells some parts off the wrecked one and buy a 1UZFE;)

jasongroves, Jun 3, 9:32pm
Seriously though, in regards to the cooling system, you just need to keep it religiously maintained.regular flushing, coolants checked, radiator cleaned/rodded every couple of years and should be fine.

xs1100, Jun 4, 1:38am
for that sort of money you deserve a zd30 early one hahaha and noone really deserves a zd30

bubbles52, Jun 4, 2:20am
ultra reliable, ultra simple nissan LD28

tnt423, Jun 4, 3:19am
On mine I, blocked off the egr, fitted an intercooler, 3 inch exhaust, had the radiator cleaned, fitted a 71! degree thermostat. If its Auto fit a big trans cooler, and get the factory one removed from the radiator.

franc123, Jun 4, 3:24am
You're on to it!Getting the head temperature down is the key to long life with those things, I guess what this amounts to is a combo of several fixable design faults on what otherwise is an OK motor.But hey Toyota doesn't make mistakes aye, the lack of intercooler especially on some of those KZ's was just plain daft, you'd think after the track record of the 2L-T they would have woken up.

next-to-normal, May 6, 8:17am
Isuzu 4jg1 2-8l or turbo from the mu,they from the elf as well,6l to 100 km bullet proof