87 VL Commodore

rotachick07, May 31, 8:03pm
started it up yesterday morning, reaaaaallly really shaky when idling and also blackish smoke out of exhaust. any ideas!

rotachick07, May 31, 8:40pm
i dont know what is worse. me not using my manners or some ignorant person butting into my post thinking he knows whats best. hmmm.

bowla3, May 31, 8:58pm
I had an 87 Calais with a similar problem. From memory it was something (a fine wire) in the air intake. It's a few years ago and didn't take much to find and fix by a real mechanic.

crzyhrse, May 31, 9:10pm
Oh, you're definitely much worse.

Good luck. You're going to need it.

321mat, May 31, 9:17pm
What about the rust around the rear screen!
Maybe the engine mounts have finally rusted through!

No, only teasing - although VL Commodores suffer from serious rust problems.

But, it sounds like a blocked injector.
Or fuel pump.

321mat, May 31, 9:18pm
Yes. The air flow meter has failed.

rotachick07, May 31, 10:18pm
awesome, thanks. will take it in to mechanic tomorrow :)

toxicgreen., May 31, 10:57pm
Just red yr post,cauld be 1 or 2 spark leads or plugs sad as And the distributors can die in those cars,, distridutor bout $80 from wrecker.check plugs are sparking on head,,that shood tell you

strobo, Apr 26, 2:07am
Have a simple look at the air filter first before ya take it in