Hi I have the original radio from my 1984 Caprice that is giving some issues when tuning, static and fading. Part of the fault appears in the controls, well the radio has been in the car for over 26 years so a wee TLC is probably overdue. Anyone know who would repair this type of radio. I am in Wellington but will send elsewhere if need be. Hope someone can help out. Cheers
May 28, 5:58am
I would thoroughly check out all the wiring to it first. Especially check the aerial cable for damage or corrosion and check the aerial mounting(s) where they attach to the body for corrosion, tightness and general condition. Make sure, if there's a separate earth wire to the chassis of the radio, that it's in good condition and well earthed. If the volume control is noisy/scratchy/staticky it can usually be improved by a small squirt of contact cleaner or CRC into the body of the control itself (inside the radio chassis). Something you may be able to do yourself if you feel confident.
May 28, 12:52pm
There's a guy up north who specializes it. Can't remember his name atm.
Matt might know of him, or someone like him though
May 28, 3:38pm
Have you had the radio working before! Is it manual tuning or digital! if it's digital I think the yank frequency is one digit out compaired to NZ frequencies. So if you try to tune in 99 you can only get 98.9 or 99.1.
May 28, 7:11pm
Yeah, true. When I got a truck I brought back from the US converted over to RHD, I elected to keep the OEM radio . and had to pay extra for this box 'thingy' that allowed the radio to pick up the kiwi radio stations
May 28, 10:07pm
Guys Have had the radio working and yes hard to tune in. It has push buttons and manual dial tunning. When playing with the volume control the radio would lose the sound, or the sound would be scratchy. I will try the switch cleaner, get some today. The aerial is in the front screen. I took the radio out last night and will check all the connections but thought as it's out a check over by a techo would be useful. 74Nova I think what you are referring to is a band expander that I may need.If anyone can help with the name of someone to check it over I would appreciate as i want to keep it as is. One US owner before me, crazed paint, no rust all original.
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