I need to put some anti freeze / coolant in my car, which I just bought a bottle from the gas station this morning.Now I know it should be flushed etc before I put the new stuff in (is that right) - but it's just been flushed not that long ago and the container is near on empty.Anyway, I know I need to put it in when the engine is cold - but my question is . do I put it straight into the plastic container bottle (the overflow bottle!), or do I unscrew the lid part on the part you don't open when the engine is hot, and pour it in there!Also did I stick in the whole bottle or part water also! Thanks!And sorry to sound like a dumb chick!My dad usually does it but he's not here at the mo, and like I say, it's near on empty.
May 18, 8:06pm
Just do a 50/50 mix into the overflow bottle while cold. The radiator should be full as its been sucking in water from the overflow bottle. Make sure anti freeze is compatible with the one already in there. Ie green and green or red and red. Is it using much water and how often are you filling it!
May 18, 8:14pm
Yes, you need a cold engine, and you need to pour the new anti-freeze into the top of the radiator. But if you want all-new coolant, first you have to drain the radiator! There will be a small tap or bung at the bottom of the radiator somewhere that you unscrew to let the old coolant drain out. If you have flushed the radiator recently, I wouldn't bother doing it again. Some will tell you that flushing can actually create problems by loosening small bits of scale and rust flakes that can block the radiator - best to have it flushed professionally but if you change the coolant regularly it shouldn't need flushing in any case. I use a 50/50 mix of water and anti-freeze. Slowly fill the radiator, then, with the radiator cap off and keeping a close eye on the temp gauge, run the engine until it gets up to temp to allow any air-locks to escape. This is important since a large air-lock may cause overheating, since it prevents the coolant from circulating properly. lastly, top-up the coolant level if required, and you're done. This video makes explains it easier: http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=FqxONgZdwS0
May 18, 8:20pm
tell me jason when pressure spring on the cap is seated how does it suck the coolant out of the overflow bottle! it cant suck it back when under pressure thats how you loose it. poobear is it pre mixed or concentrate! if concentrate mix as per directions usually between 30/70 and 50/50 if pre mixed put it in the radiator (the thing you don't take the top off hot) as jason said only use green coolant with green coolant and red with red.
May 18, 8:24pm
another thing turn your heater on it also uses coolant and sometimes there is air locks in it, you wont find out until you use it. (then coolant is low again because its in the heater). perhaps more important is how much do you have to top up and where did it go.
May 18, 9:13pm
Yea, I must say I'm surprised it's so low, as it was all changed over when I had my cambelt done which wasn't that long ago.It was flushed then too, so I probably won't bother doing it again. I'm pretty sure the coolant in there at the moment is green, though I'd need to check that, and I'm not sure what colour the one is I bought this morning from the servo until I open it.It is concentrate though. So . do I pour it into the overflow bottle, or straight into the radiator!Some say one, some say the other.
May 18, 9:37pm
Read the instructions on the side of the bottle for how to make up the coolant.
May 18, 11:34pm
just watch this youtube video on what to do, you shouldfind it helpful
dont use tap water with your anti freeze,use distilled water or buy the containers with the 50/50 water/anti freeze in one.
May 20, 3:58am
Once you've got the system topped up again you need to find out why it was low in the first place, the coolant level should not be changing at all except for the normal up and down movement in the overflow reservoir when it heats up and cools down again.Time for a pressure test and assessment by a pro.
May 20, 3:59am
A radiator cap as several seals in it. Not just the big obvious one. It is designed so that any water forced into the overflow bottle by expansion, can easily be drawn back into the cooling system as it cools and the coolant contracts.
May 20, 4:22am
i meant use demineralised water not distilled sorry.
Mar 13, 6:16am
Correct , fills reservoir when hot and drains when cold from reservoir. Due to water expanding when hot.
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