My old toyota has this problem,all ya gotta do is turn key on watch glow light go out then wait for a click, foot flat and she'll fire up straight away.
May 12, 1:59am
LOL, something really wrong there, my 88 2.4T often starts on the first turn even when cold. Wind up the "fast idle" adjuster about 1 full turn / Turn key/ wait about 5 seconds & crank the starter. Starts instantly & idles smooth at about 900rpm, turn down the "fast idle adjuster a minute or 2 later.
May 12, 1:59am
Tricky as intrade FFS the bolt is 6mm the terminal is 14mm without getting some xtra washers cant see how even a retard could f it up. OP try another battery if it is glowing (dont buy it borrow it)
May 12, 2:01am
A LOT of cables & cable joints will be getting a bit dodgy at that age. I have replaced a few cables/earths & joints over the last year or 2 & it's made a huge difference to starting/ charging etc.
May 12, 2:11am
you dont have much of a clue your self , its easy assembled wrong just look at the forum about surfs , if you know that you could assemble it wrong then you wont get it wrongbut if you put it togather not knowing or thinking about potential problems you send power to earth and fuse is gone easy as to do as 4angles said.!p=86298
May 12, 2:16am
Possibilitys . 1: Insulator block on the mains cable connector could be faulty allowing it to earth It's got a small step on top to locate the big ring on the power cable separate from the stud. 2: Power cable or earth strap joins fractured Starter/batterycables with fractured/dirty joints 3: Glow plug timer stuffed 4: Cable at or somewhere along theIgn switch path broken 5: faulty fuse (blown/broken underneath) 6: faulty battery NOT supplying enough power for the glow plugs AND the starter.
Work through the list & MAKE SURE it's all covered by TESTING & not just looking.
Nah battery is stuffed is all.No fast idle fitted either.
May 12, 2:29am
fast idler only pushes down the accelerator a wee bit lol follow the cable lmao
May 12, 2:31am
Whatdon't you understand about ,it doesn't have one!.
May 12, 2:36am
Blimin handy too ;-)
May 12, 2:38am
Does it blow out whiteish/ bluey smoke once it starts and runs rough like its fully worked!Bet you pounds to peanuts its actually the injectors.
May 12, 2:42am
i was telling mrfixit . and yes it can be handy when you jumpstart another car for example with just 1 person.
May 12, 2:57am
Ask all the people with no clue whose surfs i have fixed because they have assembled it wrong its pretty common. and the fuse is not that nice to replace If ya aint done one before. No need to nit pick we all know he means head size not bolt dia
May 12, 3:26am
when it starts its mint as. its just no power to the glow plugs. so when I get some more light like the weekend i'll have a proper look. have a spare fuse so will even replace that haha
May 12, 5:19am
The fuse is a large BOLT in type fuse not your normal blade fuse. if you have a few of them lying round I'd be surprised.
May 12, 5:21am
How many pounds ya got mrcat! the OP has all ready said the glow rail has no power lol
May 12, 6:17am
FFS ORIGINAL posyer-yeah YOU the guy WITH THE PROBLEM. not the clowns trying to be noters and fix it RIGHT.Ya wiff moi! This power check to glow plugs has to be done INSTANTLY when COLD. Glow plug timer has a temperature sensor and adjusts glow plug time accordingly. HOWEVER METHINK your problem is the usual spend heaps and no fix UNTILL someone who actually KNOWS WAHT IS F--KEN WRONG steps in. So if everything read is true how the F-K did it start last time!. IT DID-AND THAT'S EASILY EXPLAINABLE.LOL()SMILES at Kel-E knows who E is.LOL.says 1to 200 K'S zee ole diagphramn is rather mmmmm.LOL.(If it ain't HARD.LOL)
May 12, 6:26am
it starts mint when hot and no power at glowplugs . stop posting crap its the friggen power that is missing to the glowers they wont start without glowplugs easy.
May 12, 6:49am
intard READ was it hot when jump started after glow plugs replaced! OH and P.S. ole snoop mighta ben away for a while-however ole snoop is un used to you PERSONALLY posting that snoop is posting CRAP So um! ! Tip ole snoop's intro to tm motoring was to take a thread like this and go there and fix it-AFTER EVERYONE ELSE FAILED. pLAY IT LOUD.LOL
May 12, 6:55pm
Not a problem didn't read everything as there is alot of dribble from other posters,and yes do have quite a few pounds.
May 13, 12:37am
We work on heaps of these, and as per usual with customers vehicles, the battery's are always stuffed. Glow them 2 or 3 times as above and they will usually fire up - even with slow cranking.
Mar 9, 1:16am
okay. I worked out if I bridge the connection where it plugs plugs into the relay then start it it will start with about half a crank! better than when Its hot and I start it without the plugs being powered. when I do that the plugs get power. with the relay in and i turn it on there is no power to the plugs. there is main power at the relay connector always. and when you run key the remote type wire gets power for around 15sec then will switch off like it should. so the timer is fine as far as I can see. I got another 2nd hand glow plug relay from a wrecker and its not working as well same thing! it can only be the relay can it not!
will be sending the relay back. a new one from toyota is $162+ trade price and $300+ retail so I dont really wanna go that way
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