What the heck could this noise be?after long

tajarn, May 18, 7:43am
distance traveling my car makes this bludy loudish ticking noise!im sure it comes from the front somewhere but does anyone know what it could be it only ever happens after long distance short travels nothing,
hmmm any thoughts!

tajarn, May 18, 7:50am
95 mazda lantis v6.

ginga4lyfe, May 18, 8:01am

bigracket, May 18, 8:04am
Thats where it comes from (95 mazda lantis v6) Sorry mate you going to need to give more info. is it constant! does it increase with the revs! has it been regularly serviced! Thinking tappetnoise maybe!

tajarn, May 18, 8:15am
nope it doesnt increase with the revs it isnt constant it comes and goes i mean after long trips when you slow the car down to say going up a driveway to park a noise suddenly appears and it temds to stay there while driving it for the rest of the day.the next day once it has had a rest nothin but as soon as you go on a long distance travel there it goes again and thats about the circle it does.

ginga4lyfe, May 18, 8:19am
I dunno, seams a bit like Magic to me, Otherwise, when last did you service the car!

bigracket, May 18, 9:41am
Something is getting hot ie exhaust manifold or catalytic converter. it gets hot on the long trip. the sound your hearing is just something hot cooling down. maybe get the cat converter checked.

bigracket, Mar 6, 2:42pm
Some times they have little (tin!) guards over the manifolds as well with a little HOT word pressed into them, they can get hot and cause the tink tink tink tink tink like noises.