Dash lights want go off

_tommo_, May 15, 11:38pm
when I start my hilux the oil, timing and battery lights stay-on , the all level is good but the battery has gone flat aswell,this is an electrical issue am I right!

mugenb20b, May 15, 11:42pm
You may have lost an alternator drive belt or you might have a faulty alternator. And I would check the fusible links too.

johnf_456, May 15, 11:47pm
As above and use a multi meter across the battery when the engine is running and report back on the voltage. But then again some say I don't help.

ml6989, May 16, 2:33am
If oil pressure lamp is on and engine has not expired with a great clatter, I would put my money on an electrical problem. Fusible link or more likely altenator brushes would be my guess. Either way, it should not be an expensive exercise.

kcf, May 16, 2:46am
I've had several Toyota's where when the voltage regulator dies and the alternator is over charging like hell, all the idiot lights stay on.Though, all my cars have been Corolla or MR2's doing that

_tommo_, May 16, 7:40pm
thanks for the suggestions, took it to the auto sparky and one of the brushes in the alternator had gone, dont know why the water and t-belt light came on tho .

for_an_angel, Feb 28, 4:01am
It's standed issue for most of the warning lights to be on when the alt fails.