Mitsi eterna

nakichk, May 16, 5:05pm
needing advice on how to get of this car. its a 1994 want it gone. the wreakers dont want it or even the parts motor etc.few things wrong with it. want it gone as its too small for my family.

phillip.weston, May 16, 5:10pm
wreckers don't want it! if it's a SOHC model they can sell the distributor alone for $150-200! Then the transmissions etc.

what's wrong with it anyhow!

I would take decent photos of it, write a positive description but outline any faults that you know of, and put it on trademe for $1res - you'll probably get upwards of $500 for it.

nakichk, May 16, 5:16pm
the boot dont shut, the ignition dont go so just got wire running to the battery to start it. have the all the wreakers in the naki and asked if they but parts from a mitsi eterna and they just say no.the car is pretty had it really. but 1 car wreakers did offer me 150 for the whole car.

nakichk, May 16, 5:19pm
and what does the $1 reserve mean! not familiar with how it works.

johnf_456, May 16, 5:26pm
As per phill's comment

phillip.weston, May 16, 5:27pm
an auction which the start price and the reserve is only $1. Now don't be put off by this, unless your car is an absolute sh*t heap and you've managed to describe the car in the poorest manner in the world, it will not sell for $1. There will be people out there who will pay more than $100-200 for any car, going or not, because it is worth easily that and then some in scrap value. If you take good photos, and write a good description, the car should sell for around $500, if not more, assuming it doesn't have too much wrong with it.

nakichk, May 16, 5:30pm
what if i put it under car parts on trademe to sell the motor etc and like write in the description or sell as a whole car! would that work or not!

phillip.weston, May 16, 5:37pm
yeah but trademe will generally pull the listing and tell you to put it in the wrecked cars category, at a cost of $29.

nakichk, Feb 27, 11:15am
oh ok so best bet is to put under car for sale section then! well will give that a go.