Biodiesel question

offrd1, May 13, 6:27pm
Can anyone help me with this question.Can you replace methanol with 95 per cent pure alcohol when making bio diesel out of fish & chip oil .we are using methanol and caustic soda at moment [ this works fine ],But are thinking of running a still to make pure alcohol if this would work

offrd1, May 14, 4:41am
Got you lot stumped huh .lol.we make our own Bio here,mix it in a old washing machine,costs exta nothing and runs just fine in the mitzy delica van,been doing it for years

morrisman1, May 14, 4:53am
you could only try but i can think of abetter use for that alcohol

offrd1, Feb 19, 10:04am
LOL.i know what you mean