Zero drink this realistic.

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johnf_456, May 13, 12:24am
Police just enforce laws which are created by politicians. The police don't make them, but they can suggest areas that need targeting to politicians.

pollymay, May 13, 12:36am
You are fingering totally stonkered people as one in the same with someone that has near no alcohol, someone that has had half a glass with food at a social function is not dangerous. In factbeing up and hour later than usual would probably have more effect. The current system WORKS it just doesn't work (oxymoron) cause the punishments are not effective and people still get away with it 40 times before being caught. I do not believe zero tolerance is the answer at all, we are still not freaking Sweden, we are NEW ZEALAND and we have NEW ZEALAND culture. Being hammered behind the wheel no, being able to drive home cause you had half a glass of wine with food at a fine establishment, yes.

And the polititions may bring in this retardedness however enforcing it to a T is unneeded. It's like having the ability to arrest someone for something and using better judgement but they don't and won't. 5km/h limits could be used in wet conditions and for people driving like retards but they instead target everyone. Bleh they can shove their radar guns

phalanax, May 13, 12:52am
Seems strange to me that if as some folk are implying the new laws are to crackdown on the serious repeat offenders and those youngsters that have yet to be caught as a deterent to them having a social drink and or developing a drink drive lifestyle.why then for the hardest offenders has the actual penalty been relaxed in the last ten used to be that a minimum term indefinite disqualification of two years applied for repeat offenders now i see its only one.this makes a mockery of it all.also whos gonna not be able to start there car with an intox device fitted .heck folk can just jump the circuit .its all smoke and mirrors in my mind all thats really happening is the folk that really havent clocked up any offences are copping it harder than those that have.wouldnt all of the money and time spent coming up with this hairbrained legislation have been better spent increasing checkpoints.

xacoon, May 13, 2:09am
couldnt agree more. was a guy caught locally a couple of weeks back at 3 in the afternoon, blew a new record for north otago, zero limit wouldnt have made much difference. comparable to the anti smacking laws. has that stopped child abuse!

75ta, May 13, 3:29am
I would worry about the guy that has a drink and doesn't drive that day but the next day it will still be in his system, not enough to make a difference but still detectable. If they are then involved in an accident they have no insurance. How do we know when the alcohol is out of our system!

loose.unit8, May 13, 7:33pm
That completely stands to reason.I bet there is bugger all difference in crash rate between people with zero alcohol and people under the current limit.

What's the point of targeting the people under the current limit when it's the very drunk and recidivists who are the problem!

loose.unit8, Feb 16, 9:53am
That is exactly what makes a zero limit impractical.

A zero limit could mean a person who has 6 beers on a Saturday night and responsibly takes a taxi home does not know if they are OK to drive at any stage on the Sunday.Have an even bigger night on a Saturday, they might not be legal to drive to work on Monday even.