Commodore cutting out

williewaiter, Apr 30, 10:26pm
asking on behalf of my neighbour.he has a early 90s 3.8. .driving along and it cut out. petrol gauge doesnt go so he put some gas in thinking it was empty. car will turn over then run for a few seconds and stops. he has checked fuel pump fuse and changed petrol filter. anyone have any ideas what he should do next!

ginga4lyfe, Apr 30, 10:38pm
pull the fuel line off the rail and then have some one flick the ign on for a second, if the fuels flowing through then the pump may be fine, if not, then the fuel pump may be nackered

howz_that, Apr 30, 11:27pm
most likely crank angle sensor. Mounted just behind harmonic balancer. pour cold water over it and will most likely start and run untill sensor heats up again

icemans1, Apr 30, 11:58pm
i agree, been there, done that. my car used to stall why driving it

40wav, May 1, 3:19am
Re the fuel gauge - read on here a while ago some handy info. The fuel gauge stops working in these due to failure of a dry solder joint in the dash. When its started, give the dash a whack ontop with your hand ('the Holden Handshake') and the gauge might pop up and work. Mine does this and I was just about to pull the fuel tank out to check sender and connections. Cheers to those who told me this, and I hope it helps you (or your neighbor). Good luck with the rest.

dent, May 1, 6:49am
dose it just stop smoothly or run rough then stop.

williewaiter, May 2, 1:11am
it will run for a couple of seconds then cut out

keith18, May 2, 1:45am
probable giving the fords a chance to catch up !

johnf_456, Jan 25, 6:59am
Crack up