Toyota 3T Mods upgade for Turbo

pnh4, May 1, 12:26am
What do I need

heywillhay1, May 1, 12:29am

jono2912, May 1, 12:30am
A mechanic.

pnh4, May 1, 12:33am

pnh4, May 1, 12:35am

johnf_456, May 1, 12:50am
Drive it off a cliff then it goes wicked fast.

kyussr32, May 1, 1:13am
Ahaha awesome, its got a 1000rpm power band when that turbo comes on

grangies, May 1, 1:18am
Just stop dreaming.

Go and buy, for about $70, Gran Turismo 5 for the PlayStation, and turbo charge it on there.

pnh4, May 1, 1:32am
One would have to be pretty alert driving that thing ate!
We got forged pistons, stainless valves, main bolts, possibly steel crank, what else.

kyussr32, May 1, 1:47am
Yep it must rev to 9-10k, huge hairdryer pushing 30psi+ coming on at 8k

tshop, Dec 31, 1:10am
Look at this blinken' Turbo 3TC man!!v=Wwq9E0zxMpo&feature=fvwrel testament to Toyotas strength.