Car Heater brrrr.

o-magnus, Apr 27, 9:04pm
Does anyone know anywhere in NZ I can get one of these 12v dash heaters from!
Someone needs to import these!

Cheers if you can help appreciate it.

gsimpson, Apr 27, 9:30pm
I have something similar to demist the screen on my old Landy. However I don't think the wattage is anything like what you need to heat a car. 10A only gives 120W of heat output. Works fine as a demister though. Screen clear before motor is even warm.

jason18, Apr 27, 11:19pm
I need to set up a demister in the valiant. Would these do the trick ya reckon. Just dont want them on the dash tho.

o-magnus, Apr 27, 11:43pm
Hey yes I just need one to defog my window screen in a libero station wagon so can I put it on my dashboard! :)

jsbike, Apr 27, 11:49pm
I had it clipped on the sun visor, aimed at the windscreen. I just turned it on 10 min before I wanted to leave in the morn. It did take the chill off the air in the car too but I wouldnt say it heated the car much at all.

saki, Apr 28, 12:10am
Whats wrong with the heater/demister fitted to the car!

jsbike, Apr 28, 12:16am
anyone who wants it, its in my listings now. highest bid wins.

marte, Apr 28, 12:17am
To demist your windscreen faster in the morning, try this.

Turn your airconditioning to 'On' at the coldest level.
Turn the heater control to 'recirculate'.
Turn the heat control to 'Hot'.
Turn the air direction to the 'Windscreen only'.

What happens>
'Airconditioning to 'On'-
The aircon puts a little more strain on the engine & that makes it heat up a bit quicker.
It also 'drys' any air thats going thu it.
That means the air will absorb water out of the air quicker, just like a dehumidafire does.

heater control to 'recirculate'.-
This makes the volume of air going thru it a lot less that if it was bringing air into the car.
That makes the air in the car circulate a lot more often & the heater will heat it up quicker. It also means the air in the car will get dryer a lot quicker.

heat control to 'Hot'.-
Tha car heats up quicker.

air direction to the 'Windscreen only'.
That means that the air thats going past it is 'Hot & Dry a Lot' of it.
That will demist the winscreen because it actually sucks the water off it as it circulates.
It also happens about as fast as it possibly can.

I think it will extend the life of the engine as they don't like being driven cold & the bit of a wait it gets as you set all of the controls helps it warm up along with the extra strain caused by the aircon.

o-magnus, Apr 28, 12:52am
Aargh someones already bidding on it! haa. somebody should import these I'm sure there are lots of people out there wanting them.
What happened to the car heater is the pipes that go through the firewall are small and plastic and break real easy I thought it was just me not being a mechanic I was trying to take off the radiator pipe one day and it broke but my mate who is a mechanic tried to get the part out of a libero and broke the same thing too and my other mate went to pick a part and two broke as well. You have to take off all the dash and everything to get the part out then do the same on my car we've broken four already so kinda giving up and a heater dash will solve the problem. So the pipes are now wired together by passing the firewall interior all together and sick of using ac to demist it as it gets cold.

johnf_456, Apr 28, 12:59am
Not many old cars have air con. Has for engine wear when cold, I just warm it a little. Open car door turn it on, set radio, put seat belt on, back up drive, open gates then just drive gentle to its up to temp and has never missed me in years of driving.

r15, Apr 28, 1:37am

heater on hot allows coolant to flow through heater will be blowing ice cold air (fresh from your ac evaporator) straight into it, therefore making the engine heat up slower.otherwise spot on though

another way of warming up cars faster, which only really works on rental cars or leased work cars is to start it up, then drive it on or near the redline in whatever gear suits your desired speed.not reccommended for a car you actually care about though

galex, Apr 28, 1:53am
You could try one of these !Just need to mount it somehow. There is a real one on TMe: though

o-magnus, Apr 28, 2:00am
Ha girls can do their hair in my car.
Might have to if I don't win that auction.

paull, Apr 28, 4:19pm
my mate just put one of those inverters from dick smith in his car and he plugs in his fan heater from home,i said it wont draw enough power but it does, mind you its only a small heater.

socram, Apr 28, 4:30pm
Still trying to understand air con to cold and heater to hot!Just one heat dial on my cars and that is with or without air con.

r15, Apr 28, 4:55pm
aircon ONLY does cold in cars. maybe what he could be suggesting is to have AC on, not on econo mode, or turned down like some older landcruisers and probably others had

gsimpson, Dec 25, 3:59am
Putting the aircon on makes the engine heat up faster as the compressor puts more load on the engine. That cold air is more than offset by the energy required to create it.
For example a refrigerator with the door open heat or cool a room!