Can You Recommend A Good Gravity Fed Spray Gun?

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gunhand, Apr 29, 1:31am
I just got a gravity fed gun a week or so back off here for doing small automotive stuff and also small touch ups and blends. I got the down sized one that looks like the big one. Ive used the gravity fed ones with offset pot as well as suction feed ones but find the small version of the big one is easier to handle. Keep it real clean though.

grangies, Apr 29, 1:35am
Those guns will be OK. But wont last long if used on a daily basis.

Guns that are used all day every day, cost 10 +++ times as much.

For DIY stuff they'll be fine, providing you thoroughly clean them after use.

As far as painting furniture goes, they will only be able to spray out, solvent based laquers or acrylic base-coats and urethane 2k clears / colours.

They will not be able to spray out household enamels/acrylics. You need a much bigger gun for that.

aragorn2003, Apr 29, 1:47am
I'll be using automotive paints. Would they be ok for that!

gunhand , sorry i kind of dont follow what you posted , could you show me the auction you purchased!

gunhand, Apr 29, 1:49am
Yep gimme 5 ill find one.

grangies, Apr 29, 1:58am
Yes they will be fine.

If you haven't spray paint before, I'd go for the 1st one in your post.

An important thing to look for is the the size of the fluid nozzle.

The 1st one has a 1.4mm nozzle/tip and the second has a 1.7mm.

While only 0.3 of a millimeter difference does not sound much ( minuscule even ) . Believe me, that the difference is massive.

The amount of paint that a 1.7mm will discharge when you pull the trigger, compared to a 1.4mm is VERY substantial.

jason18, Apr 29, 2:00am
I have that same gun that gun hand has. My brother even used it to paint buses for a while and painted his old sr coupe. Turned out mint. I use mine for priming we did the valiant with it. Great gun for there price. My brother ended up upgrading to a de-vill pro or something like that!

jason18, Apr 29, 2:01am
I painted a cot with mine with aquanamel from dulux just thinned it down and it turned out great!

skyline_guy_r34, Apr 29, 2:02am
Stealing the thread here sorry. Im looking at getting a spray gun just to touch ups and repaint areas on my racecar (and probably other things but for now just the racecar). What would be a good gun to start with! Dont want to spend too much. Cheers

jason18, Apr 29, 2:04am
Go for the one gun hand recommended

gunhand, Apr 29, 2:05am
You realise that gun i showed has a 100mill pot only. Would take two years to paint a bus lol. But yea the cheap full size one do the job quite well.
I also ownde vilbiss and a iwata guns for the big stuff.

aragorn2003, Apr 29, 2:06am
thanks for that gunhand , much appreciated

thanks for that grangies , yeah the 1.7mm says it has a fan width of 280mm , i took that to say the width of the spray is 280mm which is a pretty good area of cover.

Thanks for your guys help , have abit to ponder on now . hmmmmm

aragorn2003, Apr 29, 2:07am
on that one you showed me gunhand , are the cups removeable!

gunhand, Apr 29, 2:07am
You can adjust how much comes out. If you were into airbrushing it might be quite important but for what you are doing the bigger tip is fine.

skyline_guy_r34, Apr 29, 2:08am
Whats the benefits! Ill have a shot

Small nozzle good for small jobs, but ok for doing panels with time up your sleeves.
Small tool so easy for first time users to get to grips with the skill and tools.

Ive got a dirty big old aircompressor with a huge tank. Does it matter what sort of compressor you have with a HVLP Gun! I think i read somewhere differences in the way they work etc.

gunhand, Apr 29, 2:13am
Dosent matter if you have a huge compressor just srcew the air flow down. The guns have air flow adjustment but its no where near as good as a proper air regulator in the system.
HVLP guns are just that, good fluid output with lowish air flow. Means you get less overspray thereforeless wastage from it all going in the air.
Thy say you need one gun for base coats and one for clears. All very fine if you have $1600 for two decent guns. I have two guns but use them both for clears and basecoats, enamals and solid 2Ks.
The only time time I used A bigger tip was for priming and that was a seprate gun anyway.
Its all about keeping you gun clean between products.

grangies, Apr 29, 2:14am
I think you are talking about a different gun.

The gun that gunhand linked is very small with a 0.8 tip.

The photo may look the same shape, but it is actually a very small gun.

There's a lot of guns out there, that look very similar, but are twice as big.

gunhand, Apr 29, 2:25am
Yep, plenty comes out when you doin small bits though LOl.

grangies, Apr 29, 2:26am
CC is the cubic centimeters of what the paint cup holds.

gunhand, Apr 29, 2:28am
What is it you are doing!The Star has 450mil cup so you may as well go to full size.
If you doing fiddly bits the small guns work well.

grangies, Apr 29, 2:30am
Star brand is nothing great.

They were a cheap gun before all the really cheap imports came here. And are no better.

You're better off with what gunhand showed you.

aragorn2003, Apr 29, 2:32am
yeah ill probably go the small gun then , thanks for the info guys!

grangies, Apr 29, 3:12am
I take it you're a spray-painter by trade!

What do you use!

I'm a diehardDeVilbiss fan.Don't know why really, but I have used SATA and Iwata, and alway preferredDeVilbiss.

I have 3 personally owned guns I use for work.

2DeVilbiss GTi's and a PRi for priming.

My GTi's are 1.4 and 1.6.

I use the 1.4 for 90% of everything. Base and Clear . ( just keep it real clean, like you say )

rmbimports, Apr 29, 3:14am
You would be able to make any of the guns recommended work for you, but I would suggest that whatever you get make sure it has a screw on cap (especially if it is a full size pot) as the last thing you need is a mess to clean up if the lid pops off while you are painting under something.

gunhand, Apr 29, 3:29am
Ive been painting for 25 plus years. Brother was a painter as well and showed me the ropes. started at the bottom with prep then priming, primer sanding,guide coating then before long spraying top coats. Spentyears spraying furniture then into auto painting for a living for 11 years and now I do it for myself but not in business (yet) just homers and so on.
I dont have a certificate to my name but spent alot of time listening to pro,s and reading and of course good old hands on. I judge my work by what else I see about and Im as good as any pro out there. Its all about time and alot of people dont want to pay for that time it seems. Some do and there the good jobs were you can really take your time.
Spent most of my time doing resto work on mainly Mustangs ,Chevs, Falcons ,Holdens and alot of other yanky stuff. Painted cars ,boats, motorcycles, trucks, and jsut about anything you can paint. Had a few awards for cars ive done as well as best presented race car.
And I use Iwata and a De vilbiss guns. Plus other cheap things for priming etc.

jason18, Apr 29, 3:38am
oh whoops haha We had the one with the big pot. Looks like same gun but different name