Ones word isnt good enough it seems.

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cocabowla, Jan 30, 12:48am
lifes tough on invalids so when i lined up "all the ducks in a row" had the perfect oportunity to upgrade to a more suited vehicle, buyer wouldnt take a holddeposit with promise of balance definitely in a week (some may say who'd blame them but with my feedback i'd say i'm trustworthy enough) . so cash aside and my car sold for asking price in under 15 hrs this morning and gets taken away tomorrow while my radio therapy starts next tuesday for 3 weeks and it would have been all nice & tidy . now got a unenviable choice of buying sight unseen ( done before & got shafted ) or ! so gutted

intrade, Jan 30, 12:51am
are you sick with cancer!

msigg, Jan 30, 12:52am
Should have gone and got a bank loan then sold your car and repaid it. Thats life unfortunately

curlcrown, Jan 30, 12:53am
You lost me somewhere in the second sentance of the post.

intrade, Jan 30, 12:54am
i have purchased cars unseen but only because they where cheaper then cheap. one guy would not take my money up front but i was in luck it was so cheap that everyone else did think its got to be crap for that price and it was still there paid him the money after 500 meter testdrive.

cocabowla, Jan 30, 1:20am
had oral cancer surgery 3 yrs ago, now have terminal lung cancer diagnosed oct 2011

cocabowla, Jan 30, 1:22am
banks dont fall over themselves to lend to the terminally ill! money wasnt an issue , if i hadnt sold my car in the time frame had access to borrow the difference from someone.

owene, Jan 30, 1:23am
Ring your local car dealer and tell him how much cash you have. Leave it to him to then get you a nice wee car and arrange it's delivery.That should be OK as they are all very trustworthy and nice and polite.

cocabowla, Jan 30, 1:26am
with extremely limited income cant risk a lemon intrade.

rayzor14, Jan 30, 1:41am
Sad stuff, my simpathies on the health front.
As a matter of interest, what is your budget!

cocabowla, Jan 30, 1:59am
laughable sadly, $1800 this week (car was cheaper just coz k's were up therebut i was happy enough with service details that it was worth it well & truly)

cocabowla, Jan 30, 2:05am
basically promised i would have the cash one way or another in a week and today was day 5.

jason18, Jan 30, 3:20am
Oh bugger and sorry to hear about your health. What kind of car you looking for!

cocabowla, Jan 30, 3:59am
had avenir wagon but looking for something a wee bit bigger.
just going to have to rely on truthful traders & buy sight unseen , luckily i can use volunteer drivers from cancer society if need be for my 3 weeks treatment.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 30, 4:06am
When you say bigger. are you transporting people or stuff!
I am happy to keep an eye open for a bargain for you. Utilising the volunteer drivers might be a great move as a little bit of time up your sleeve can often net you a real bargain. $1800 can go a surprisingly long way.

I bought a really nice car in great condition for similar money the other day.

Best of luck with your treatment. For what its worth if you havn't watched ithave a look on youtube for a doco called "run from the cure". I am sitting on the fence on the issue and have no personal experience but found it interesting if nothing else.

robotix1970, Jan 30, 4:24am
hey there, i know exactly what you're going through with being on a benefit also with your illness and it's a damn shame that you don't live in welly as i would personally deliver a reg'd and wof'd 96 holden auto to you with a full tank of petrol for just under 2k.

robotix1970, Jan 30, 4:34am
all i can say to your post is no one deserves to die before their time and i think i sucks that some people say no to helping people with disabilities or people with a teminal illness like a brain tumor / cancer or even AIDS (not the "Alcohol Induced Dizzy Spells" meaning either)

cocabowla, Jan 30, 11:37am
well the avenir was quite low seat height wise so something sitting higher mostly, not after a hummer or anything. lol

cocabowla, Jan 30, 11:41am
thanks for the thought, its a hole i'll get out of one way or another. at least i have the back up of using cancer society drivers to get me back & forth from my therapy appts starting next tuesday , keep miserly in my spending and slowly i'll have more to spend coz i just cant afford to buy a lemon sight unseen(hard to view now i've sold my wheels. )

kazbanz, Jan 30, 1:28pm
OYY coco---gimme a yell -I might just have a mutually benificial proposal for ya

cocabowla, Jan 30, 3:20pm
just got back back from doing ownership change & was going to e-mail anyway

kazbanz, Jan 30, 4:13pm
reply sent--gimme a yell if ya wanna

kazbanz, Jan 31, 1:11am
Hey guys --Hows about we ALL keep our eyes peeled for coco on this one.

cocabowla, Jan 31, 3:08am
thats the annoying part is for whatever reason the sellers tick the wrong appropriate price range and all those overpriced ones clog the searchso you have to change parameters or search each brand individually just to get more results

cocabowla, Jan 31, 3:18am
appreciate everyones efforts, kaz offered an interim solution but unfortunately with my current health situation it wasnt logistically viable. i can highly suggest a cancerous growth on the backside is not fun at all. (drs say its shouldnt be related to the previous oral cancer and current lung but also very strange to occur in the time it has )

P.S richardmayes all going well still have a few years left in me,