yep, totally was, especially for the driver of that car, would have even been more terrible if he was sent to jail.
Feb 2, 6:05am
Yeah usually someone like him would get done hard for that. Yet those other pricks steal cars, race kill others etc and get away with it
Feb 2, 6:30am
Good decision made by the Judge (for a change) Cleary an accident and the driver meant no malace to the cyclist and just did what we all do most days. You can blame as many people as you like but sometimes "shit happens" and Im sure that guy will never put himself in that postion again. And the interesting thing is he or rather she never actually came into contact with his car (unless Im missing something) so perhaps she may have been better off hitting the door but I guess we will never know. And cyclists as we know can move along very quickly.
Feb 2, 6:35am
feel sorry for the truck driver also
Feb 2, 8:48am
Completely agree with the judge's ruling. Sometimes, despite being careful, despite everything else we ALL fail to see a hazard. That is NOT being dangerous, reckless or even careless. Back in the dark ages of the 60s, 70s and 80s it was called a mistake.
Frankly I am astounded that the crown even brought this to trial.
Feb 2, 8:56am
Ok now I feel there is an interesting point raised in this. It was touched onbut not explored. The cyclistsimply shoud NOT have been there plain n simple. The council say there was a cycleway for cyclists There was a cycleway supplied for cycle traffic which was NOT in good enough condition for a road bicycle to ride on safely. -its suggested it was too congested -Having gotten into a barney with another MMBer I visited the site and agree with them that its in VERY poor arguably unridable condition untill you get to KT area. SO what charges are to be laid against the council for not providing a safe riding enviroment!
Feb 2, 9:23am
Makes a change that we all seem to agree with the court!
Feb 2, 9:27am
Wrong place / wrong time
I ride my bikes in places tree's & drop off's will kill me & I would rather that any day than the unknown
Sorry to truckie / door guy & family of cyclist
Feb 2, 9:47am
did the truckie get charged! i thought he did!
Feb 2, 8:23pm
No he didnt, but at the time people were saying the truckie was at more fault than the cyclist, because i read that witnesses said the truck sped up blocking the road for the cyclist or something along those lines. But i think its quite clear it was more the cyclists fault than any of the two vehicles.
Feb 2, 8:40pm
there was a statement from another driver who said teh lady was driving to close to parked cars and he wondered if some one would open a car door and collect her. I ride my bike on the footpath often if Im a worried in the slightest about the traffic. A ticket for riding on the footpath or risk get killed riding on the road, I know what my choice would be every time. Listening to a talk back show where Danny Watson said he rode bikes for years. The first time he got knocked off he called it an accident. The second time it happend, he thought well it surely cant happen again. The 3rd and last time it happend he sold his bike and said he would never get another. Why dont we allow cylcists to ride on the footpath.In parts of Japan it's illegal to ride a bike on the road. You have to ride on the footpath but you stick to one side of the footpaty. The side away from shop door ways etc. Makes much more sense to me rather than putting cyclists on the road.
Feb 2, 8:41pm
The cycle lane around Tamaki drive is on the footpath, shared with pedestrians, this is not appropriate for road bikes travelling at high speed i agree. The council should not be responsible for a bike lane everywhere someone decides to ride a bike, sure a popular place like Tamaki Drive should be considered, but you cannot expect a bike lane to be put in everywhere without some sort of contribution from the biking community. Hell, i like going to the racetrack, i dont see the council making plans to suit my hobby any time soon.
Feb 3, 12:39am
Might have won the case but it will still have cost himat least $8 -10000 to defend it
Dec 3, 12:09pm
Funny how within hours of that incident the council shifted those parking spaces and altered the road markings.
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