WWYD - new car with problems

livys_mum, Apr 28, 7:30pm
Hi, just wanting your advice.I bought a van about a month ago from people who don't live very far from me (private cash sale).They said they'd be happy to renew the W.O.F before selling as it was about to run out.I negotiated a price and had the cash with me, but was $200 short of the final amount we agreed upon.He said I could pay the rest later.Well, I've been working on selling my other vehicle so I can pay the final $200, but the W.O.F came up and I realised they hadn't updated it, so I got it done.So my first Q is - would it be cheeky to give them $150 and the receipt for the W.O.F!

BUT -the starter motor has been playing up and was having real trouble yesterday and it now looks like it may cost up to $400 to fix.Do I have a case to go back to them and say I can't pay them that $200 since I need it to fix the starter motor!I am not sure what to do.

(be kind please, genuinely wondering what I should do)

moosie_21, Apr 28, 7:33pm
Would you go back to them and ask for the $400 for the starter motor if you had already paid the full amount! Me thinks not. Just because you still owe some of the money does not mean you have the right to call the shots. You obviously need to watch more Judge Judy!

jono2912, Apr 28, 7:35pm
I think you need to talk to them and ask if you can give them just the $150 as that seems fair, starter motor is a different issue, and is now your problem.

livys_mum, Apr 28, 7:36pm
Nope, I wouldn't do that.But it seems like they fix up cars and sell them a lot, so I might go see them in case they can help me fix it for less than the mechanic has quoted.They seem nice so it's worth letting them know what's happening I think.

phillip.weston, Apr 28, 7:50pm
You've bought a used car, and from a private seller. The previous owner very much likely did not know that the starter motor was going to give trouble months down the line - they don't have a crystal ball afterwall.

I would however give them the $200 less the cost of a new WOF (not including any repairs needed), because they had agreed to put a new WOF on it but did not.

crzyhrse, Apr 28, 10:43pm
That's your own problem to deal with. Vehicles do wear. It sounds like this was a very old and worn vehicle to begin with so you can expect things to go wrong with it fairly regularly.

livys_mum, Apr 28, 10:59pm
Yep, they're good people.I'm going to go over with the $200 tonight and talk with them.Thanks, it's been good to think through what's best and what's fair.

stevo2, Dec 24, 2:08am
Good stuff, you are on the right track
Cheers Stevo