Vx clubsport suspension knock

nz2293, Apr 24, 5:42pm
have a 02 r8 clubsport makes a noise now and then when i turn only at full lock sounds like its the spring in strut ive looked and looked but never does it when its jacked up does any 1 now why its doing it coming from drivers side

therafter1, Apr 24, 5:47pm
Common on that era Holden. It is stones in the top of the front struts, you have to remove them to get the stones and crud out.

There are foam donuts available from Holden to prevent a re-occurrence, but they are expensive for what they are. If you use a good quality foam you could probably make some yourself.

All they do is prevent the top of the strut filling with stones again.

It is only a noise and there isn't a safety issue.

nz2293, Apr 24, 6:29pm
thanks for that hasnt failed a wof on it they do scratch there head a bit

redslapper, Apr 24, 7:53pm
mine is doing something similar but only happens when breaking heavily or going over a bump unevenly, its more of a crunch noise. could this be the same thing or something in the sway bar.its definitly in the front and on the driver side. It is a 2002 vx commodore

therafter1, Apr 24, 8:10pm
Probably, as per the above post it is quite a common problem with models from that era.

The reason why it sounds like a "crunch" noise is because that is exactly what it is, it is a stone being "crunched".

It is more common on cars that see a lot of open road use particularly during the summer when you have to negotiate your way thru long sections of re-chip/re-seals. As you travel thru these re-seals/re-chips you hear all of the sticky stones rattling around on the inside of your guards as you travel thru, many of them find their way into the tops of your strut towers.

So also as above, it is a relatively cheap and easy fix.

redslapper, Dec 8, 5:45am
cool cheers