ARGH, blimmen car, poss flat battery?

therafter1, Apr 19, 7:45pm
Turn the headlights on and get someone else to attempt to start the car, if the lights drop down to a dull orange glow it is probably the battery, if they don??

therafter1, Apr 19, 7:52pm
Yep, sounds like battery. Once charged have battery and charge rate checked.

therafter1, Apr 19, 8:02pm
No, you have to have the battery charged on a charger, particularly if it is the newer type of battery, then re-fitted to the vehicle, then the charge rate checked.

paull, Apr 19, 9:07pm
i bought one of those smart chargers and my battery never goes flat, it comes on when the battery starts to drop and keeps it fully charged and starts first pop every time, well woth the $150 quid

elect70, Apr 19, 9:32pm
Mesterious things happenmyV8 disco's went downto low to start while fishingfor2 hourslast wednesdaywas parkedjust up from incomming tide,got a jump start,taken interior bulbs outbut the farken thing did it again this morning , put meter on it drawing .08 amps with nothing on& charging at 14 .5 ampsnew battery 3 months ago . So boughta used battery as a spare . Ithink bat has lost its grunt

therafter1, Apr 20, 2:34am
Bigfatmatt is probably your best bet here. But I have heard that in some types of alternators if any diodes fail the current from your battery can leak out thru the alternator and flatten you battery.

johnf_456, Nov 20, 3:53pm
We use quid over here.