and before anyone asks it is not my bad driving LOL it has only recently started doing this and was fine before.
When I first drive off after being at a stop my car goes really slowly and bunny hops like its stalling or something, once I go up to the other gears its fine but when I go back down to gear one when im at an intersection and am just sitting there at a stop it feels like its going to stall, then when I take off again its really slow and bunny hops again until I get to a higher gear.
I hope this makes sense!
Apr 19, 3:33am
It makes no sense at all until you tell the MB exactly what the make/model/year and what engine it is.
Apr 19, 3:35am
and is it an automatic or a manual gearbox
Apr 19, 3:41am
you probably got a bad batch of Aussie fuel contaminated with kangaroo p**s
Apr 19, 3:51am
ooops. sorry
95 Mazda Lantis, Manual, petrol, V6
Apr 19, 3:52am
LOL no its had about 3 different lots of petrol in it since it started doing this.
Apr 19, 3:54am
either a serious lack of driving skill or a serious clutch problem, shall we assume the latter
Apr 19, 3:58am
I had a lantis. Its probably the air flow meter or a split air intake pipe. Other things could be spark plugs or leads causing a misfire. Take it to a mechanic for a more thorough diagnosis.
Apr 19, 4:03am
start by getting the spark plugs and leads checked, those V6 Mazda engines are notorious for insulation on the lead tubes failing and spark bypassing the plugs, although that can be a problem with any engine that uses a similar type of lead.There may be other factors that aren't helping like a clogged throttle body, a split air intake tube between filter and throttle body, base idle speed in need of resetting, or maybe a fuel filter/pump on the way out.A good tune up basically.
Apr 19, 4:08am
great thanks very much!
Nov 18, 11:14am
Could also be your throttle position sensor, they are usually adjustalbe
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